Kaijune Bonus: BehemothSpearhafoc on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spearhafoc/art/Kaijune-Bonus-Behemoth-803038230Spearhafoc

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Kaijune Bonus: Behemoth



The Behemoth is a massive creature mentioned briefly in the Bible (and expanded upon in later Jewish and Christian legends), described as the largest land animal in God's creation*- as opposed to the Leviathan, which is the largest sea creature. Behemoth and Leviathan are traditionally seen as enemies. According to one Jewish legend, the two will meet in battle on Judgement Day, only to be both struck down by God. Behemoth's meat will then be used as a great feast for the righteous. The apocryphal book of Enoch says that Behemoth is male and Leviathan is female (though other stories say Leviathan is also male). 

Little description of Behemoth other than his sheer size appears in the canonical Bible, but most depictions show him as a Hippopotamus-like creature (although he is sometimes an elephant or other large beast, and Young Earth Creationists claim he is some sort of dinosaur).  

I obviously based my version on a hippo. He can walk in both two and four-legged gaits. 

*I'm not counting Typhon in this, as he's the product of a different Pantheon. 
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I regret give God weed