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Even if you eliminate the aspect of shady people within the walfas community as a reason for its decline, there is still another thing to keep in mind. A lot of us when we started including me were teenagers. Nowadays some of us are adults that end up being in a career and having to deal with all the responsibilities adults usually have so it's a bit hard to keep up with churning up content on a daily basis. Not to mention that some tend to burnout quicker than most whether it's mental or physical burnout. It's also very hard to get back into it because if I can be very blunt like usual, most newer people aren't that interested in actual...comics or stories but rather who can make the best looking impractical props and customs that will never be utilized
With so many props and customs for Walfas being made, you'd think that those would be used right???

Welcome To Walfas In 2021 by DreamDefiants, journal

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
My Bio

This profile is now inactive due to being unable to produce anymore work due to personal trauma.

Notes for visitors:

-Many of the guides, views of writing, Touhou, and self-help are horrendously out-of-date. The writing advice was heavily influenced by my own anxious, perfectionistic tendencies, and I do not wish for any of that to rub off on any aspiring writers. The Touhou views were written at a time when there was a much wider split over canon vs. fanon (which seriously angered the fanon crowd). The self-help writings are heavily based on cognitive psychology, ignoring the effects of emotions of thoughts and behaviors.

-I will still leave most of the materials up since there are still those that understand my sarcastic sense of humor wasn’t meant to harm anyone, and that third parties often twisted my works to mean something more sinister than they intended. Take any other guides with a grain of salt: do not let any of my past advice impede your creativity.

This profile will remain largely inactive until further notice.

If you wish to learn about Walfas or making Walfas comics or cartoons, I would suggest doing it away from DeviantArt: stick to within the larger Touhou community groups and chats (kinda like how MMD’ers do it), not isolated Walfas groups: especially ones permanently stuck in the past, digging up our past mistakes, refusing to let past drama go. It’s time Walfasers not only move on, but heal from the past, and outrun those who wish to open up our wounds again.

Until then, I’ll see you all everywhere else but here.


Tools of the Trade
Gimp, create.swf, Vegas Movie Studio Platinum, Sonar 7 Producer Edition
Other Interests
Airsoft, fencing, target shooting, go-karting, indoor rock climbing, lazer tag, improvisation, theater tech, amature psychotherapy
Not sure if I’ll ever get back into using it again for multiple reasons, between the unneeded Eclipse redesign and the downfall of our once beloved Walfas community. Now while I can handle adapting to the site, we have a lot of work to do and not enough people to heal the collective trauma and rebuild a less toxic, more welcoming, and more resilient Walfas community, or whatever eventually takes its place. I’ve still continued my psychological research elsewhere, now focusing on anxiety, PTSD, trauma, abuse recovery, and more modern psychotherapeutic interventions. Hopefully, when the time comes, I can help do my part in healing our community and forging a bright future with everyone else. Until then, if you’re sticking around here, stay safe. There’s a damn good reason we Walfasers are fleeing DA, and it’s not just the redesign.
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Anyone still here on DA?
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1. What is your biggest challenge with making stuff? Or, what do you need the most help with starting out?2. What do you look for in a Walfas group? What features does your ideal group have?3. If you could have one tutorial about any subject, what would it be?
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Profile Comments 873

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TBA-NA's avatar

Oh, I forgot to post here yesterday. (Happy Birthday)

TBA-NA's avatar
SuperMario1550's avatar

Happy Birthday Spaz!

LostRey's avatar

Happy Birthday Spaz! Fox emoji - birthday

Godeung's avatar

Hello. Mister. Happy birthday.

Sandrag1's avatar
Hey Spaz! Long time no see!
Captain-Game's avatar
I truly wish I could pick your mind, both about the Touhou series and about the sorts of things both your journals and the thoughts and themes in DitR have put into my thoughts recently. 

Not that I expect you to take time out of your day for one of those weird randos who give DeviantArt its bad reputation, so I suppose you can simply take that as a compliment, a statement that you've driven me to do a bit of thinking... and as painful as that can be when you doubt yourself too much anyway, I'd like to think I learned something from it.