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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • July 17, 1997
  • Germany
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (165)
My Bio

It feels like youre still next to me by FrostStormClaw by :iconfroststormclaw:

Hey there, call me Pan or Pantalaimon if you are more for a long term thing.
I am an 21 year old Artist from Germany, I am trans and Polgamous, Taken by a wonderful Boyfriend and a superset Girlfriend.

I have been drawing for quite along time but I took a longer break from it all..
However I am now back and on full power Mode.

I hope to reopen Commissions for Paypal in the soon future,

Stay strong.

Sparkstar Journal Doll by zemmathebunny by :iconzemmathebunny:

Here have some cool People;

Jess brilliant fluff drawer but also cute humans
Steffi/Wolfi My Idol
Elle; Cars Humans and all strange Things

Favourite TV Shows
How I meet your mother
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Simple plan
Favourite Books
warrior cats
Favourite Games
harveys neue augen//edna bricht aus
Firestar[ ] You are a natural-born leader.[ ] Your hair color is red/orange.[x] You are loyal.[x] When someone is in trouble, whether it's a stranger or not, you will try to help them.[x] You hate fights/fighting.Total: 3Longtail:[] You have pale or blonde hair.[x] You have bad eyesight, but it hasn't always been bad.[ ] You hang out with the wrong group of friends.[x] Your closest friends were not who you thought they were.[ ] You can be arrogant.Total: 2Ravenpaw:[ ] You were very skittish as a child.[ ] You are still very skittish.[ ] You often let fear cloud your judgement.[ ] You had to leave your home because of someone else.[x] You t...
anonymous's avatar
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I'm mad now

0 min read
Guys i wanted to hear your opinion -_- not to totally ignore it...I'm really thankfull of the faves at the picture i'm talking about but I wanted a opinion even if you tell me the text was/is terrible! I WANT TO HEAR IT!
anonymous's avatar
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Tagged (blargh)

0 min read
1. You must post these rules. 2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create new questions for the people you tag to answer. 3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal. 4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him. 5. No tag backstagged by :iconraqqawi:Ps: Sorry I will have trouble to answer the questions my english is very..very...terrible... 1. Which one of these locations would you rather live in: Middle Earth, Narnia, Neverland, or the moon?I would totally hate to live on the moon xD but I would love to live in Middle Earth *-* 2. Have you ever experienced "nose-milk" or had a...
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Profile Comments 934

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Seehasenbrut's avatar

Hello, here is the owner of this account. I moved to this channel now, if you want to reach out to me

Anfani's avatar
Du weißt nicht zufällig wo kekskruemelkitty abgeblieben ist, oder? o:
cieII's avatar

Nici hat damals alle Charaktere verschenkt und dann ihren Account gelöscht.

Anfani's avatar

o.o Wusste gar nicht mehr das ich nen Kommi darüber geschrieben habe - hast du noch Kontakt zu ihr?

cieII's avatar

Zu Nici hatte ich nie wirklich Kontakt. Allgemein die WaCa Leute haben sich vor vielen Jahren verloren, nachdem ich mit Habbo aufgehört habe. Manchmal vermisse ich die Zeiten, wenn ich ehrlich bin.

bellathepurplebunny's avatar
P0is0NR4iN's avatar
Your art is still beautiful <333 (Yeah, we know each other xD)