Gym Leader ViridisSpaceTurtleStudios on DeviantArt

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Gym Leader Viridis



Gym Leader Viridis wants to battle! Fight for the Flight Badge on the slopes of Mt. Silver!


Everyone on Twitter was drawing up their #gymleadersona, so I had to join in the fun. While my favorite pokemon of all time is still Shiny Umbreon, if I had to pick a theme for a gym, it would definitely be birds, so this is Team Murder Bird.

TBH, I haven't ever really used Empoleon competitively, and it's been ages since I played a Pokemon game besides Pokemon Go, but now I kinda want to put this team together. If only Sun/Moon weren't so badly set up for breeding and EV training.
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3121x2250px 5.99 MB
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WaryCassowary's avatar
YEEESS! What a dream team!  Its got all my faves.  The badge design is great too.