Tsukito TotsukaSpacehums on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spacehums/art/Tsukito-Totsuka-609844595Spacehums

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Tsukito Totsuka



Tsukito Totsuka from Kamigami no Asobi.

Hi again everyone! Space here. :tardgrinn: 
This is another collaboration with my younger brother. Once again, he did the line work and I colored it. I didn't put in enough effort to color a proper background but the clothing was a fun adventure yet again~ Meow :3 I'm always learning as I color. I used a lot of new tools and effects for this one and I hope to continue using them!
2019 edit: ps I didn't keep using them. I have completely forgotten what I used for this piece. Whoops.
Tool used: Paint tool SAI

MY BROTHER'S TUMBLR: i-think-i-can-fly-anime.tumblr…
MY TUMBLR: space-hums.tumblr.com/

If you'd like to reblog this on Tumblr, please use my post from my blog: space-hums.tumblr.com/post/144…
Image size
1800x2000px 1.56 MB
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