Nebnom + Jolleraptor Anatomy DifferencesSoupIing on DeviantArt

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Nebnom + Jolleraptor Anatomy Differences



This is more an updated info sheet for both Nebnom and Jolleraptor communities, as both species have come and evolved far in terms of their lore as well as their anatomy's. Please make sure to read this guide sheet carefully and be respectful when drawing them to not look similar to the other. I have written down the key qualities of both species which should aid in terms of understanding. Please click on the image to see it fully and please do not trace or heavily reference from this guide!

Notable Nebular Nomad Qualities

Bullet; Green They are an ANTHRO ONLY species, never feral.
Bullet; Red They can be either digitigrade or plantigrade.
Bullet; Blue They come in a wide range of heights and body types.
Bullet; Purple The arm plates move freely with the arms being rather flexible.
Bullet; Black NN eyes are much more human-like and comprise of an iris, a pupil and a sclera (eye whites).
Bullet; White Nebs have human-like hands consisting of four fingers and one thumb giving a lot of complex movements, with pads on the tips and the ability of retractable claws.
Bullet; Yellow The species has a human-like mouth, smooth lower jaw, with a small membrane muscle that makes the connection from eye to mouth.
Bullet; Orange Nebnoms have a full set of teeth and while they can be damaged and the like, there is never a time where they aren't present!

Notable Jolleraptors Qualities

Bullet; Pink JR's are a FERAL ONLY species.* (*The raptor mutation adopts a dinosaur-like stance allowing for two legged movement, but not the ability to be fully anthro.)
Bullet; Green The forearm of a JR is not flexible as it is the way the bone is shaped in between the dividers to prevent damage to them.
Bullet; Red Jolles eyes are rounded, with a thick often dark membrane surrounding the eyeball to protect when their mouths move.
Bullet; Blue Their eyes consist of ONLY an iris and a pupil, this species lacks a sclera.
Bullet; Purple The standard species is as large as the palm of your hand, while some subspecies may be a bit bigger or even smaller than standard and can have some varied body types.
Bullet; Black JR's mouths are beak-like, upper and lower jaw are jagged and fully connected to the eye.
Bullet; White The species has a sparse amount of teeth and can even have no teeth and have the ability to 'hide' (retract) their teeth.
Bullet; Yellow Jolles have more animal like paws with limited wiggle movement and limited grip ability, with three digits and one thumb and while they lack actual pawpads, they are seen with markings from time to time.

Both species are very expressive in their own unique ways!

Jolleraptors are a CLOSED SPECIES by Simonetry + PlXlEDUST - find the group here: :iconjolleraptors: - (Jolleraptors monthly gacha will open 1st August 2PM BST!)
Nebular Nomads are a CLOSED SPECIES by Thalliumfire - find the group here: :iconnebularnomads: - (A big event is coming for them on Friday, so be sure to check em out!)
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