Jolleraptor Expression StudySoupIing on DeviantArt

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Jolleraptor Expression Study



A simple expression study and reference on how flexible JR mouths can be even with the mouth to eye connection, thus allowing for a range of emotions to be played with!

There is currently an event going on in which users of all kinds whether they own a Jolle, new to the species or no longer own one can get some goodies - including a full uncommon MYO slot and trait upgrades for those first time owners and non-owners! Make sure to check the event out here:

Also make sure to join the discord server in which you can find out more news, raffles for items and slots and further resources at

Jolleraptors are a CLOSED SPECIES owned by @soupiing

Image size
1319x1620px 918.35 KB
© 2024 - 2025 SoupIing
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SoupIing's avatar

Thank you for finding this pouch, only the first three people can claim this. In claiming, they cannot claim any pouches for day 4! If you want to double your rewards one time, make sure to do your journal advertisement - make sure to state if you want to double it now or later - or if you have already used it!

Pouch 1