I'm a published artist and a musician.
This page is for fun side-projects. Feel free to ask me any questions about it.
You can see/hear more of my real human-made work at:
I appreciate your watch mate. :3
thanks for watching
Welcome to Deviantart~! ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
If you're new here, you must be wondering about all the new features and things to try out! Luckily, I went ahead and grabbed you a guide for all of that! Feel free to check it out by clicking here!
If you're a returning deviant, then welcome back! I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions or are simply look for someone to chat with, stop on by anytime! Take care now! ( ◞・౪・)
thanks for the watch! <3