Hi I am
M 12 I just simply love sketching anime though my artworks aren't so popular.
I have my own blog that is www.paintupvs.blogspot.com
It has only 690 view yet that is 14th may 2014.
I kinda sick of this deviantart no one ever visits me.
This is seriously getting out of my hands
M burning hot red.
Well m very talkative once u start talking to me i promise i will not let u get boar. Seriously speaking.
Well for the truth my school is going to begin n I am going to we...... middle school yup m going to 8th
Really exiting or say kinda boaring cozz too much studies on my head
kinda a lot of burden.
Basically m searching for new hairstyles I can make on first day. Perhaps new peeps will be joining our school campus.
N I have 2 of them that can be made out of two ponny tails. Basically I wana be everything in this world. like
1. Astronaut
2. Ufologist
3. News reporter
4. Journalist
5. Scientist
6. Explorer
7. Artist
8. pop star(singer)
9. Actress
10. casino manager
There are still many................ like dancer, director, animator, cricketer CO of Microsoft many means here many.......... Coz m capable of them all. So say best of luck to me I do not what can I be.
But I also want to do something for the society. Like help needy, helping trans-genders.
Yet I feel like parting out in disco with lots n lots of wisky m only 12 should really not hink about those things right?
So guys I basically like rocky stuff m heart is muzic caz If muzic stooped m off. I love rock songs n whenever emotional song is played on the boombox m just gonna take that radio up n throw it down. M WILD... I love black but also sometimes atracted to pink. HOooOOooo.....
One thing is for sure my class is really scared of there are certain reasons
1. I am WILD
2. Hit each one of them till they don't stop
3. I love hitting
4. I am very ghostly reacting whenever got the chance
5. Keep boys tightly wrapped around my tinny finger (famous of all)
6. Give out vulgar (very common)
Many... better u know 6 of them cozz.... if I start writing u will die in horror haha.....
I love many rockbands perhapps what else nothing is recently coming out of my brain yet.
K bye
thank you very much for the watch <3
it means a lot to me (●´ω`●)