029 AngelsSoubiVee on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/soubivee/art/029-Angels-542911900SoubiVee

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029 Angels


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Angels - The xx


As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love, love, love

Kawaii Pastel Star Divider by miemie-chan3

:damphyr: So I started sketching this picture this morning after waking up to many nice things about Lance in my inbox??? You guys really love your Lance.  Also, I always draw Lance with hair too short, as his bun is pretty thick, I wanted a good interpretation of how his hair ACTUALLY is like outside of that bun.  Long.

This picture is more of a metaphorical kinda concept, as I did a lot of research on flowers before diving into this concept.

The flowers in his hair are Anemones.  Anemones indicate fading hope and a feeling of having been forsaken so I chose them specifically  to represent his past, and how it stays with him.  Also, there is a single rose up by his hairline, and that represents his new love.  I guess the blood is suppose to be like... even though he has a new love, it's not any better, and it still hurts, even if it's not really suppose to.  Things are suppose to get better.

Anyway, enough rambles, that was my concept going in. It's grown from there, but I don't want to go on too much about my silly thoughts haha.  Enjoy cute boy with flower hair anyway~

~Heart Decora-Chan Rose 

Floating Kawaii Hearts and Stars Divider by Pastel-BunBunFloating Kawaii Hearts and Stars Divider by Pastel-BunBun

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Art © Decora-Chan
Image size
2500x2478px 5.28 MB
© 2015 - 2025 SoubiVee
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0-Made-Of-Stars-0's avatar
"Some like it hot"... I do Oops! 
Very nice artwork, Love Hug