Hi there, I'm Sora, also known as Sora Hanaki... or my real name is Shelly. This is my gallery of all the work I do for school and as well as my free time, since art is one of my hobbies. I also started picking up cosplay and photography. Please enjoy ♥
If you enjoy my work, please support me on Ko-fi and Patreon!
ko-fi - ko-fi.com/sorahanaki
patreon - www.patreon.com/sorahanaki
You can also find me here:
instagram - www.instagram.com/sorahanaki
twitter - twitter.com/Sora_Hanaki
facebook - www.facebook.com/soraandshionc…
tumblr - sorahanaki.tumblr.com
gaiaonline - www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/so…
I already saw that you declined for request back in 2020 ....but if you please...id like to desperately know if they are open now
Hello, are requests or art-trades or collabs open maybe?