All or most of your art seems they were created with ai (2619 arts uploaded starting Sep28 = 2619/(3+31+30+6)= 37.4 artworks PER day seems like ai rate of production). The artworks created with ai need to be labelled with “Created using AI tools”. Instructions at
says there are 2 ways (to update one OR multiple artwork pages):
1) via your gallery:
“Visit your Gallery
* Click “Edit” at the top left of your Gallery page
* Select any deviations to which you want to apply the label
* Click on the “Label options” menu and select “Add ‘Created using AI tools’ label””
2) via Studio:
“You can also bulk apply this label to your deviations in the Studio by selecting the deviations you want to edit, clicking the “Label options” menu, and selecting “Add Created using AI label.””
I like your Art 😃😃
Y'all are the reason DeviantArt sucks. AI "artists" and those of you that tolerate them.
whether it's "art" or not is debatable
i think not bc they're spamming unlabeled ai crap
I wasn't talking to you.
neither was the "artist" to you
Consulta, que usas para las imágenes? Te quedan muy bien