GupKin Closed Species Sheet 2.0SonaArtist on DeviantArt

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GupKin Closed Species Sheet 2.0



Why is this
Main reason, is because all the ones i have are pretty much the same, so either yours will have a fin that looks similar to the tail, so you kind of know what the fin will look like.

So this is the species sheet for my Gupkins

Gupkins, they are species of cat like fish, with tails and fins of, well a fish XD

1: Gupkins are never really hostile, they do tend to nibble if faced with fear, yet to any avail, it never works because they are toothless, so its more like gumming. 

2: These creatures do not normally go up to shores unless to find their babies. Yes this is correct, they have a special beach reserved for them alone to have the babies, its very similar to sea turtles.

3: Gupkins are around 6 inches tall fully grown, when they hatch from the eggs they are about 1 to 2 inches tall.

4: They have been seen to carry objects with them such as shells, stones, pearls, sea weed, other plants, wood, and scales of other fish that have shed them. 

5: They are EXTREMELY attracted to shinny objects, it has been seen when something washes up on their beach and is shinny they will form a circle around it and just be in some form of trance, but within 5 minutes or if distracted by something else they will move away from the object.

6: Gupkins typically do not care for unknown objects (unless they are shinny). So it is extremely odd but not uncommon for one to grab the object and take it back to its home in the sea. Some come back to shore and are seen wearing these objects like clothes, examples are, ribbons into bows somewhere on the body and clothes from dolls as well. Though it is fairly common for one to wear something from the sea, like sea weed or coral.

7: These little ones are pretty shy when it comes to people or any other animal, they tend to hide in reefs and make homes under the sand using their saliva as a form of paste, which it is similar to glue but jell like. 

8: They are not use to walking on land, there for, if you have ever seen a puppy do like a stiff legged walk/run thats how they walk. But if they see danger, god they run like the speed of sound, they are FAST.

9: Some have gems on their forehead and it has been found out to do powers, such as invisibility, speed, hearing, jumping, not being able to be detected unless bumped into, and more have yet to be seen, but it is assumed that there are even more

10: The female do seem to have tiny eyelashes, no more then one

There is also a group i have made for these guys, :icongupkins-galore:
So if you want one, to the group and see if there are any littles ones that catch your eye 

And my own personal Gupkin, Pumkin Pumkin the Gupkin by SonaArtist

He is also the Group mascot >:3
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cuppycakesandtea's avatar
Omg - this species is so adorable :D