
Punk Collar

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SomeKindaSmeargle's avatar

Literature Text

--Melody Mindoval--

The Prince and the Pauper, Hunters Guild

--Template Armbands--

Gifted to the team upon joining, these template armbands are plain black bands made for the wearer’s wrists out of a sturdy leather.

--PANEL 1: Colour--

The bands will remain black, spikes notwithstanding.

--PANEL 2: Shape--

Because the bands were adjustable to begin with, the shape did not need to change.

--PANEL 3: Decor--

Both bands have metallic spikes adorning their surface, sturdy and well attached, though the material itself is nothing terribly expensive.

--Punk Collar--

The finished product gives Mel a bit more of that hardened street look she is going for, as cliche as it might actually be. An iconic spiked collar is a staple for any self-respecting thug from the streets. Glistening even in dim light, they give anyone a more imposing demeanor.

This accessory was modified for five star coins to include the spikes.
Another acessory application for another :iconpmdunity: team! Wanna get all this stuff uploaded before I go to AX!

Teams app is here:
© 2014 - 2025 SomeKindaSmeargle

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