Hello, I'm not going to tell much about myself to ya'll since I'd rather not say, for now at least. What I will say is that I am working to become an animator in the future, and I'm grinding away at my goals to do so.
This is just going to be a place that I'll post my previous work on digital and physical art, and any current work that I am doing. I'll explain the context of what it is, whether it be a random sketch I made years ago, or a comic that I worked on. Hope you enjoy.
Hello! Are you an anime/manga fan? Are you a fan of Super Smash Bros.?
I’d say that I am. Why do you ask?
Check this out...
An anime/manga equivalent of Super Smash Bros. that I've been working on for about three years now.
Nice, what’s the progress you’ve made so far?
Welcome to Deviantart!
love the friendlocke art these are so cool