Creature Journal SlanethissSolKesh on DeviantArt

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Creature Journal Slanethiss


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Hey happy Thanksgiving to my American friends here!

This last month has been really something special with the Kickstarter's success and while it still has a few days left before it closes up, I wanted to share the last apex predator with you all as a way of saying thanks....and the American Thanksgiving lined up well enough for that.

So here's the last Apex of the bestiary, not the largest, but one that I wanted to design to offer a stealthy predator. One that could take out anything along the shore or under the tide, that will stalk the coral strands and take down creatures in the cool darkness of the night with its heightened senses.

Enjoy and I can't wait to share it's massive 5e statblock in the book!

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1300x1300px 2.65 MB
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NeanderThor's avatar

Both sleek and sharp, like a salamander-swordfish sandwich!