Legacy - Chapter 16
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Falcon stared in awe at what lay ahead. It was Lumo! That’s not what surprised him though. Lumo was there, wrapped in a tangle of plants like how Falcon and Wendigo were back in the cave. Is Hope here? How? I thought she was knocked out or something? Falcon wondered. He looked around. “Get me out of here!” Lumo hissed at Ray.
Helplessly, Falcon saw Ray claw at the plant with one talon and carry the baby with the other. Falcon flew to Autumn. “Autumn, do you think you can try to do your plant magic?” Falcon asked. “I don’t know, but I’ll try,” Autumn said. He closed his eyes and winced. Something was happening and it clearly was bad. He opened his eyes again, but they were a deep orange.
“Ancient magic has been awaken, with evil intentions to keep the taken. The doomed can only wait to die, the tears of Pyrrhia shall they cry. One will meet an unforeseen fate, kill the traitor before it’s too late. One will know when their time has arrived, take a risk so the others can thrive. A leader will lead them to their doom, a risk that will walk one to their tomb. A curse can corrupt the one outspoken, by killing the heir, the curse can be broken. Of sky, silk, night, rain, leaf, ice, and sand, we all have to find where we stand. Make a sacrifice with an unforgettable cost, or Pyrrhia will forever be lost,” Autumn recited.
He closed his eyes and reopened them, making them return to their normal color. “Dude! That was creepy! What happened?!” Falcon asked. “I don’t even know… the plant was mad and wouldn’t listen to me,” Autumn said. “Well then what was the whole, ‘Make a sacrifice with an unforgettable cost, or Pyrrhia will forever be lost,’ thing?” Falcon asked. “Wha-”Autumn began to say. He was cut off by a shout. “Hey! What are you doing here?” someone shouted.
A fully armored Icewing stood upon a hill proudly. She straightened her neck and glared down. “We were here to warn you guys, but we’re a bit busy at the moment,” Bluebell said. “Busy with what? Invasion plans? Trying to bring that giant plant into our Kingdom? And what are you here to warn us about?” the guard asked, stepping down the snowy hill. “We’re busy trying to save our friend, Luminosity. Our other friend, Hopefinder, did some weird magic or something and wrapped this plant around him,” Autumn explained.
The guard paused, looking perplexed. Falcon could practically hear the gears turning in her brain as she tried to put the pieces together. “Hopefinder is a Nightwing name. How did she grow a plant? Can Nightwings even do that? Are there more of them who can?! I better warn the queen!” the guard exclaimed. “No, no, no. Calm down. Hope is a Nightwing, but she’s a good Nightwing. She trapped him here so we could catch up to him. I don’t think there are anymore like her,” Falcon said, trying to calm the frantic guard.
Falcon heard the sound of talons landing behind him. He turned around and saw Hope and Canopy. “Hope! Canopy!” Autumn shouted. The Icewing guard hissed and turned to them. “Great! Now there are more invaders?! AND IT’S THE NIGHTWING! HOW COULD THIS GET ANY BETTER?!” she shouted. “Um we’re not invaders. We have important news. We’re here to save you guys. There is an evil- '' Hope began. The guard put her talon up.
“Listen. This is nice, but any dangers about the fate of the Icewings should go immediately to the queen. I’m willing to take you and all of your friends to her, but you need to promise that you won’t hurt her,” the guard said. “We promise,” Falcon blurted out. “That’s great guys, but can you GET ME DOWN FROM HERE?” Lumo shouted. “Oh! Yeah! Sorry about that!” Hope said. Her eyes turned a dark orange like Autumn’s had. She put the plants down and left Lumo standing in the snow. The guard watched in awe.
“That’s… that’s honestly the most crazy thing I’ve seen. I don’t even know where to start… if only my sister could see this,” the guard said. Her eyes had sort of an enthusiastic glow to them. The guard looked at Wendigo. “I think I’d recognize you, but I don’t. You look about the same age as me, but I still don’t recognize you. What’s your name?” she asked as she took to the sky. “I’m Wendigo. You shouldn’t recognize me. I’m… not from around here,” he said.
Falcon couldn’t hear whatever else they talked about. He was too busy thinking. Wendigo is such an odd dragon. Nothing on the outside of him was odd. His personality or something was off. Falcon couldn’t put his claw on what it was that was off, but there was definitely something. Maybe it was this strange sense of familiarity. Wendigo was someone Falcon had never met, but for some reason, Wendigo already hated him. When they argued, Falcon felt like he knew Wendigo. It was odd.
“Alright everyone listen up! I need you guys to land here,” the guard said. The guard landed first, then Wendigo, then Ray, then Lumo, the Bluebell, then Autumn, then Canopy, then Hope, then Falcon. He purposely stayed in the back to keep an eye on Wendigo. There was something very wrong with that dragon. “Listen, I’m going to need to talk to a guard real fast. He should be- Oh look! Here he is!” the guard said. She turned to face a strong Icewing in armor.
“Hey, just giving you a heads up, I found these strange dragons and I’m taking them to the queen. Please don’t let anyone attack them,” she said. “So you picked up these random dragons who could be potentially dangerous and you’re taking them to her majesty?” the strong guard asked. “When you put it like that, you make it sound worse than it is,” the guard said.
“Princess, in all respects, I seriously don’t think this is a good idea,” he said. “Well my mom will want to hear about them,” the princess/guard snapped. “Princess? You didn’t tell us that you were the princess. I’m so sorry! I didn’t even bow or anything! My gosh, I am an idiot!” Lumo exclaimed. “It’s okay! Don’t worry about it! That’s not usually how I like to introduce myself. I feel like people will already get an opinion about me if I say that. I want people to see me as who I am, not what they know about me,” she explained.
“Um, Princess Aurora, I don’t mean to interrupt you, but I don’t think bringing them is a good idea. For all we know, they could all be assassins,” the Icewing said again. “Well I trust them. If you don’t, that’s fine. I’m going to need the Gift of Alliance though,” Aurora said. “The Gift of Alliance? I don’t have access to that, I’m sorry,” the guard said. Falcon sat there, confused. “What’s the Gift of Alliance? I thought that they didn’t have animus dragons anymore?” Falcon asked.
“They don’t. The Gift of Alliance was created by a Nightwing queen who kept complaining about how cold it was here. She ended up creating the Gift of Alliance to keep her and everyone she brought along warm. They do have the three bracelet things, but they were destroyed by an Icewing queen a few years back who tried to seal the world off from the Icewings. Luckily her daughter challenged her and won. That queen was crazy. I believe her name was Queen Flurry. Something like that. Anyway, the Nightwings let them keep the magic necklace and they called it the Gift of Alliance,” Lumo explained.
“You are like a walking talking history scroll,” Falcon remarked. “I know you have access to it. Don’t lie to me, please,” Princess Aurora said. “But… her majesty would be furious at me if I gave it to you!” the Icewing exclaimed. “Yeah? Well she’d be more furious if our guests with important news froze to death. Consider that,” the princess said. The Icewing thought about it. “You’re right. Let me go grab them,” the Icewing said. He flew off towards the palace.
“Woah! You’re so smart!” Autumn complimented. “When you have a sister, you get good at it,” she said, laughing. “I have a sister, but I still haven’t learned. Who is your sister?” Autumn asked. “Her name is Shiver. Shiver is way older than me. She could be an adult now. She went missing years ago though. She attended Jade Mountain Academy and then she went missing. She’s in line next for the throne and she’s still out there, I know it. I hope she’s okay,” Princess Aurora said sadly.
Falcon saw Canopy become a bit tense. Somehow, he knew that she knew what happened to Shiver. Autumn and Bluebell were also exchanging worried glances. They all knew. Falcon could tell what happened. Shiver was dead. Poor Aurora. I wish I could tell her what happened. I wish I could tell her that her sister is dead so she can stop believing that she’s alive, he thought. Falcon collected his courage and said, “Um… Aurora… Shiver is-”
“Invaders! You’re under arrest by orders of the queen!” someone shouted. The guard from before stood there with a spear. This time, he brought ten other guards. “Order of the queen? How in the world did you get to the palace so quickly? This guard is a liar!” Falcon shouted. “Silence!” the guard said. “By order of the Queen Glisten, you must come with us to the dungeons for an attempted invasion,” the guard hissed.
Princess Aurora spread her wings, standing in between Falcon and the guard. “My mother would never make such an unjust decision. I command you to call off your guards and let me take my friends to my mother,” Princess Aurora said loudly. She was very commanding and very confident. It was a good trait for a queen. The guards hesitated a bit. They didn’t know who to listen to. “Wait until my mother hears about this,” she said, loud enough for the guards to hear. Immediately, they all put their spears down.
“What is the reason for your lie?” Princess Aurora asked the main guard. “I’m not letting these invaders into the kingdom,” the guard spat, glaring mainly at Falcon. Falcon glared back. “These ‘invaders’ happen to be kind dragons with news. They say that they have very big news for the queen. If you want to endanger the entire kingdom, feel free to stop them. If not, let us go,” the princess said. The princess waited for the guard to respond. Failing to do so, she flew into the air, followed by the others. The guards followed them to keep them safe, leaving the lying guard behind.
“Thanks for standing up for us,” Falcon said. “Hey, it’s no problem. That icicle brained guard needs to learn to keep his mouth shut,” the young princess said. “Um… there’s something we should probably tell you,” Falcon began, “Shiver is d-”
“AURORA!!!” an Icewing shouted. Waiting for them to land below, the queen of the Icewings stood on the snowy ground. Her jewelry shined in the morning’s light and her crown radiated authority. “Mother! Thank goodness you’re here!” Princess Aurora said, bowing. “Young lady, you better explain yourself! You brought them to my palace without my permission AND you didn’t even give them the Gift of Alliance?!” Queen Glisten yelled.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t think I needed your permission. We were in a rush and the stupid guard at the border didn’t let us through!” Princess Aurora explained. “A rush? Why? And that ‘stupid guard at the border’ just so happens to be the general and my brother. Watch your mouth,” Queen Glisten snapped. “Oh. So sorry. We were in a rush because these dragons have important news! They came here all the way from the Mud Kingdom to deliver it!” the princess said.
“Important news? We’ll discuss this inside. You must be freezing and tired. Come along,” the queen said. Upon heading inside, Falcon felt much better. His wings didn’t feel so frozen and he could feel his talons again. He looked over at Ray who was carrying the shaking Mudwing. The queen led them to the throne room, where she sat upon the throne. “What is the news that you bring?” she asked. Wendigo stepped forward to tell the tale, but Lumo put his wing up and pushed him away.
“Your majesty. I’m Luminosity of the Silkwings,” he began, bowing politely to the queen, “I come with news. My friends and I just escaped from the Mud Kingdom. There is an ancient dragon who you might remember who goes by the name of Sear. He has returned and he is dangerous. His niece and apprentice are attacking the seven kingdoms using the breath of evil to mind control everyone. He has attacked every kingdom now except for the Kingdom of the Sea and the Ice Kingdom. The tribe is in danger and you need to evacuate to somewhere safe.”
Queen Glisten’s facial expression remained unchanged. “Do you think I’d believe that? Seriously? Look, I don’t know how you know about Sear, but I can assure you that wherever you heard that from is not a good source,” the queen said.
“But your majesty, we didn’t hear it from a source! We saw it in person! We were there when the fires raged inside of the Rainforest Kingdom. We were there when the Skywings were attacked during a meeting. And now we are here to warn this tribe. I am a loyal Silkwing. I know what favors your tribe did for mine. As a loyal Silkwing, I feel like it is my duty to give your tribe crucial information if I have it,” Lumo said.
Lumo is so loyal and devoted to helping others. He’s such a great dragon, Falcon thought. “Well then we don’t need your useless information. The seven kingdoms are safe. You’re just lying. Get out of my sight,” Queen Glisten hissed. “No! Mother! Please listen! They are being truthful! I can tell! Please just give them a chance! Our tribe is in danger!” Princess Aurora said, bravely. Just then, a blood streaked Skywing burst into the palace and collapsed.