Legacysolar-sea on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/solar-sea/art/Legacy-618927900solar-sea

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So R+L=J (hear Starkgaryen cheer :w00t:) been canonized in HBO rendition :lol:
The man of sorrows finally has his legacy for real.
Dear poor Jonny :heart:

Been so unholy long since I've drawn fanart just for the gist of it, free from challenge deadlines etc etc - and the feeling is overwhelming (so is Rhaegar's hair :faint:) Funny how with all the group management and such I've never gotten to draw this couple before :slow:

Background stock used for an overpaint: texture 98 by Sirius-sdz
A Song Of Ice And Fire © G.R.R. Martin

Mikoto and Fugaku: Destined by solar-sea Zutara Week 2014 - Jubilant by solar-sea Return of the prodigal son by solar-sea The Wind Beneath My Wings by solar-sea SanSan - Blemish by solar-sea Melancholia by solar-sea
Image size
2300x2929px 6.02 MB
© 2016 - 2025 solar-sea
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Aysuna7's avatar
This is so gorgeous!