The former creator of DeviantArt
Tojiko is considered a vengeful spirit as she is a ghost who holds a grudge against humans. Among other vengeful spirits, she seems to be a quite powerful one. It is stated, however, in Symposium of Post-mysticism, that her grudge seems to be fading away, meaning that she's steadily becoming a simple ghost that can cause lightning.
She is a very practical woman who can use coarse language, appearing to be a foil to Futo's airheaded, jovial nature. Though she has a quick temper and her attitude is rough, she is actually a very nice person. She doesn't seem to mind being a ghost as it's convenient for her.
Creating lightning is a common ability for vengeful spirits, and Tojiko frequently uses it when angered. As she is a powerful (former) vengeful spirit, she can cause lightning to fall from the sky [1]. In Taoism, lightning is one of the eight trigram elements, and since there is the borrowed power of the sorcery called the "thunder rites" (雷法), the power to cause lightning may be a power that can be acquired and mastered as a Taoist as well.
Another theory is that the father of the character Tojiko is based on, Soga no Umako, built the temple Gangoji (元興寺), and the youkai of Gangoji, Gagoze (元興寺), who was exterminated by the child granted by the lightning god to a farmer, which is commonly thought to be the basis. (The Gagouji of the spell card Thunder Arrow "Gagouji's Cyclone" (meaning "monster" in child language) is based on Gagoze, but the folkloristics scholar Kunio Yanagita denied the etymology that "Gagouji" came from "Gagoze")
Iku Nagae and Raiko Horikawa also use lightning, but unlike those two, Tojiko's ability is directly related to lightning (unlike Iku's "reading the atmosphere" or Raiko's "Making anything follow a rhythm"). Tojiko's lightning is depicted in the form of jagged arrangements of arrows.
In preparation to become a shikaisen, Tojiko set up a jar to preserve her spirit in, much in the same way that Mononobe no Futo used a plate. However, Futo swapped the jar with an unfired one, which quickly decayed, causing Tojiko to become a ghost instead. She is not known to have any possessions at the moment.
Her known name is Soga no Tojiko (蘇我 屠自古). Her last name Soga (蘇我) was taken from the Soga clan, but it can literally mean "Ego Awakening". Her first name Tojiko (屠自古) literally means "Your Ancient Carcass". Perhaps coincidentally, the first characters from her first name and surname, refer to tosa (屠蘇), a kind of spice sake served at New Year's.
In Ten Desires's official art, Tojiko has green hair, green eyes and a dark green dress with ofuda along the bottom. She has two ghost "tails" where her legs should be, and a kanmuri (冠)-style hat.
Toyosatomimi no Miko
Leader of the group that Tojiko follows.
Mononobe no Futo
The Mononobe and Soga clan were enemies due to their Buddhism reception (the Mononobe clan hated it and the Soga clan defend it as a religion followed by more civilized people [2]), a rivalry that ended with the destruction of the Mononobe and the blooming of Buddhism in Japan thanks to the efforts of Soga clan.
She, Miko and Futo decided to “sleep” to become shikaisen, Futo replaced the jar Tojiko chose with another which eroded after Tojiko moved her soul to it, [1] frustrating her reincarnation with a physical body. Although at first her grudge made her a vengeful spirit, it seems that this feeling is decaying and she is more of a simple ghost.
Seiga Kaku
Tojiko's relationship with Seiga doesn't seem to be particularly close.
Soga no Tojiko, Mizuchi Miyadeguchi and Mima are the only humanoid ghosts to have a ghost tail rather than legs.
The Soga clan is said to be descended from Takenouchi no Sukune, Emperor Kougen and Amaterasu. As such, she can be considered as "the Descendant of the Gods."
In real history, the Soga clan was overthrown from power in 645 during a coup d'état conspired by Nakatomi no Kamatari, founder of the Fujiwara clan, among others. Kamatari was later struck and killed by lightning, which people believed to be a curse laid by the late Soga clan; this is a possible inspiration for Tojiko's ability. Also, Kamatari's son, Fujiwara no Fuhito, is the speculated model of Fujiwara no Mokou's father.
Might I ask how old you are?
Who are this person!?
sorry, i need from the arts "i hate you" :(
Hey Shut Up!! You Are Nothing But A Maniac And A Jerk And Nothing But A Stupid Dumb Bully And You Leave Her Alone Because We Hate You… You’re Nothing But A Bully