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OH BOY time flies, and I'm only just now ready to upload some Olympics stuff And it starts off strong with a collab with the wonderful @abosz007
Vidar is giving Inga quite an unexpected welcome, and what do you know, she doesn't react super well as usual 23oij4r Although tbf Vidar is also being a bit of a menace XD It turned out a bit of a behemoth, cookies to anyone that makes it through it lmao But we had alot of fun with these two XD
Give some love to Cursey's upload as well!!
Extra for: HARPG Olympics 2024
Class: Endurance
Main Entry: - Preemptive Triumph - Olympics Entry
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Everything became busy in and around the estate, something that seemed to lift the spirits of Lyo and Damon but Vidar truly preferred this vast area in it’s more quiet state. There was a lot to do and the endurancer was also busy with his little family. However his challenge wasn’t forgotten, and with half an eye he was looking out for a specific White December entrant..now that the people seemed to arrive with their horses. Being amongst the early arrivals, Vidar wasn’t surprised about Inga being just as responsible as she showed herself to be during the extreme event. What surprised him more was the fact that she came for real. If it was because of his postcard or because she had her personal agenda with this event, didn’t matter …not that hed ever find out the truth. He had a feeling she wouldnt tell him even if it was so. Patiently he waited for the right moment to approach her and brought along a little welcome gift that he hid in a bag he threw over his shoulder. Well this was going to be fun 8D
It had been months since Inga got the postcard that started it all. Months of planning and training with Ranec to make sure he was up for it. As always she had doubts. The stallion inevitably seemed to have some quirks that might never be trained out of him and she hoped it wouldn’t become a problem here. She’d rather avoid the embarrassment if she could help it.
And however much planning she had done prior, it quickly seemed useless in the face of a huge underestimation of hers; The size and popularity of the event. As soon as she had arrived at the Imperial Stables, a few days before the endurance class, the vigour, she had taken the challenge on with and held onto ever since, seemed to dissipate as she walked to check in with Agni beside her, visible to everyone. Her eyes wandered over the event grounds and crowds of people already present, suddenly feeling less confident in her ability to make it through this. She had half a mind to turn around, get Ranec somehow and flee. But she was no coward and never gave up for better or worse, so she trudged on.
After checking in, she walked towards the stables to find the stall Ranec would be occupying for the majority of the event. Her initial shock had worn down a bit as she focused on remaining composed while keeping an eye out for possible hiding spots as she walked. Besides her rented apartment, they would be essential to get breaks from the crowds and recharge her energy, she had decided. Of course, she kept an eye out for her challenger, Vidar, too.
She wouldn't have to look out for too long. He deliberately took the route on the opposite side towards the guest stables to establish some sort of distant eye contact that had the fountain between them. there was a suspicion that she could feel it when someone looked at her.
Although crowded, the place wasn’t filled by any means. Inga moved easily past visitors and fellow entrants as she headed towards the stables with Agni by her side. The canine seemed to help in that regard, making people give the pair a wider berth. Inga’s eyes automatically darted around as she passed the fountain. Suddenly, something caught her eye; A man on the other side looking her way. She slowed down as her eyes narrowed at him, trying to get a good look at who it was. However, with an increasing urge to get away from people and the surrounding activity taking her attention too, she just noted his presence and kept going.
Vidar was far from just noting her presence and walked straight across the path between the two curved roads connecting the main building with the guest houses. He did pick up that she seemed to be in a hurry though so he tried to keep up with her “Inga! So the postcard found you in the end? “ he grinned and seemed very happy to see her. Something told him that she wasn't in a sunshine and butterflies kinda mood but when was she ever? not in the month he witnessed her in.
At the sound of someone shouting her name from behind, she immediately came to a halt and whipped around. The loudness had made her cringe, not wanting to be drawn attention to more than Agni already did. But that feeling was quickly replaced by something else entirely when she saw him. Her eyes narrowed and Agni let out a low growl of disapproval at the approaching man. Inga recognised him almost immediately, especially with his mention of the postcard. She let him walk closer, her eyes already holding a glare, before she spoke.
“Found me? So you didn’t rummage in my bag to place it there?” Her tone was sharp as she retorted; A challenge to contradict her rhetorical question. Meanwhile, a rumble continued to sound from Agni as she stood firmly by Inga’s side.
Vidar raised his hands disarmingly as soon as he realized the mood of the two was far from friendly “rummage is a very big exaggeration from slipping something into a side pocket “ he tried to calm the situation down a little bit.
She continued to glare at him for a few beats before she answered again.
“Right…it better be,” She warned and crossed her arms, “how did you even do that? I kept a close eye on my bags” Maybe it was a dumb question but she was annoyed, to say the least. And it did strike her curiosity how he might have done it, though her questioning now had more to do with trying to evaluate him and what his intentions were. Both of which she was inclined to figure out about anyone who sought her out. Just in case.
“Happened to walk by in the right moment i guess? yknow im stealthier than i loook “ he still tried to keep the mood light, being a bit confused about the intensity of her emotions. “surely you didn't come all the way just to scold me for a little surprise “ he raised a brow slowly.
Although she had calmed down from them over the last months, all the feelings, she had had when she found the postcard, threatened to rise once more. But the activity around them prompted her to restrain herself, acutely aware they weren’t alone. As her lips pressed together, she exhaled slowly and deeply to release some of the tension. Agni too stopped her growling and just looked at Vidar.
“As it would seem…” She breathed. Indeed, he didn’t look stealthy to the untrained eye but Inga had seen the way he held himself, even just the few times they had glimpsed each other, and knew better than to underestimate him. Admittedly, she wasn’t surprised and felt a sense of having been bested.
“and well no, it’s just a bonus to get to scold you for the sneaking and the postcard itself,” She huffed, and looked at him suspiciously, gesturing towards him, “clearly you meant to rile me up with it or whatever”
It sunk in more to Vidar, that Inga was actually beyond unamused, the longer exhale being picked up as some serious effort to calm down. Maybe he underestimated how seriously she’d take it? he crossed his arms listening to her and tried to hold back the first impulse that came into his mind as response and opted for an explanation that had a little more processing done “i guess i thought it might tickle you a little bit, but not piss you off. You know” he gestured with a hand lifted from the restrained position. He was so tempted to say - don’t make it so easy then for me to rile you up - but he swallowed those words.
When he crossed his arms, Inga straightened her posture, sizing him up as her eyes stayed fixed on him. She wasn’t quite sure if this explanation was another attempt at jesting or if he was being honest. Either way, her face stayed deadpan, aside from a slightly quirked eyebrow.
“Hmm,” Was her only response while she weighed her words, letting the silence stretch between them, “bold of you to assume that after the look I gave you back then” He had been wise to look away as soon after she had caught him looking and sent him a loaded glare. Though apparently not wise enough considering the postcard he sent her making light of the incident.
He did recall THE LOOK very clearly in his head and he tried to reason why he didn’t think it was something she’d FULL ON hold a grudge about to this day “Look i did realize you didn’t enjoy an audience by your stare, but there’s something you can’t know. My bestie and wife have a murderous resting bitchface 24/7 and i am still alive so call it an immunity. “ he raised his hands sideways in a WELP kinda gesture “Would you prefer me to apologize for the -ill placed- tease?” he put the emphasis on ill placed with a tone like he wasn’t sure if it was a bit of an overreaction without calling it such. He sounded chill though if she did want an apology. And it brought her here afterall so NO RAGRETS.
Her eyebrows continued to raise slightly as he went on with his explanation, slightly surprised about the wordiness though her poker face stayed on for the most part. The tenseness of her stance eased further as she stopped gripping her arms as tightly.
“Immunity or stupidity…” She mulled as she let out another tension-releasing exhale.
Then, as he offered an apology, a slightly amused glint in her eyes flickered even if the rest of her face didn’t reveal as much. The urge to get a bit of revenge grew as she spoke again.
“Yes, an apology would be nice,” Her voice tinged with daring when she continued low enough so only he could hear, “and lick my boot while you are at it.” The boot in question was far from clean but his attempt at appeasement so far had her believing he might actually do it.
Vidar raised his brows in disbelief, did she just call him potentially stupid? Gee someone really pissed into her soup or something. Maybe she was tired from her travel and here he is holding her up, in reverse he might have gotten pretty annoyed himself some years back, before his family seemingly gave him an overdose of maximum chill and high spirits. She had some nerves though with the latter apology suggestion and he made a subtle hand gesture to tone down the temper a little while he took off his backpack “I am not sorry enough to do that i am afraid but i got you something more lasting than a very inefficient way to temporarily remove some dirt from one’s boots “ he took out the cow plushie with a little red sash around its neck and offered it to her.
Inga watched him with a bit more amusement as he seemed to go through the motions. It quickly faltered though as her eyes drifted to the surrounding activity again, suddenly dreading if he would accept the dare. And any lingering amusement dissipated when he started speaking. She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to retort. However, it was quickly cut short by the sight of a plushie being presented to her.
“What-” She blurted and took half a step back in surprise before she could stop herself. In tandem, Agni stepped closer to Vidar as a low snarl sounded briefly from the canine in warning. Had that backpack been there the whole time? Amid her initial anger, she clearly hadn’t noticed it.
But it didn’t take long for her to connect the dots of why it was a cow plushie of all things, looking winter-prepped with the sash.
“Really?..” She drawled as she glanced between the plushie and Vidar. Though her demeanour wasn’t nearly as hostile anymore.
The near startled look kind of surprised him - what on earth did she expect him to pull out of that backpack? A watergun? Lowering the innocent plushie that just HAPPENED to land between a troll and a grump, perhaps it wished to go back to the toystore and get picked by an overly affectionate kid instead. “I thought it was really cute, you seemed to be popular with the locals! You didn’t land on their horns afterall” not that the grey cattle were prone to be super aggressive, but still. He tried to read her expression, but figured he really has no idea whats going on in her head.
Indeed, being on guard and distracted by her own high emotions had made her startle easier by the unexpected forward movement. She generally aimed to be quick on her toes and be prepared for anything. However, a water gun was definitely not on the list of the likely things Inga expected people to pull out.
Her eyes drifted to the plushie again as a sceptical grimace tinged her face.
“Popular with the locals…” She grumbled as she assessed the fluffy cow intensively without moving even an inch to take it, “Those cows looked like they wanted to eat my hat…even though it flew into their shit” They hadn’t looked particularly friendly either, something she didn’t want to mention that for the risk of sounding cowardess.
Of course, Inga didn’t fail to notice Vidar’s close attention to her face. It seemed they were both eyeing each other by now, paying close attention to the other’s body language and reactions.
Vidar raised a brow while still keeping a look on her “not a fan of our dear horned friends? “he couldn't imagine anyone not finding those huge chunky powerful animals adorable regardless of their mean loooks. not as obsessed as Damon perhaps but still.
She looked at him for a few beats, raising her eyebrow back at him. Did he sound… offended…on behalf of cows? Or was he just questioning her? She couldn’t tell.
“They are fine in general I guess, “ She half shrugged with her once-again crossed arms, “Just not a fan of me I think” It didn’t surpass her memory of how utterly rejected she was by the cattle at Light on the Beach last year.
“So that’s…for me?” She nodded pointedly towards the plushie. He had already said it was but she still half expected some sort of trick. Agni too eyed the plushie suspiciously. By now, the canine had positioned herself slightly in front of Inga.
He did feel a sense of offense even if he could detach himself for the most part, but many animals were personal matter to be disrespected. The stance and expression looked more chill when she at least toned it down to say they are fine but not a fan of her. “other animals you vibe with more easily? Your doggo sure seems more sync” he watched the protective canine with some concern but held out the plushie more towards Inga “It's for you! Unless you really don't want it” he waited if she'd take it. Maybe an accepted peace offering too xD
She had no idea why he kept asking about her opinion of animals. Sure, she had a certain respect for them, even the animals she usually hunted. And it would be a lie to say she didn’t appreciate their company, though with some exceptions. They just didn’t always seem to trust her for whatever reason, much to her dismay. Maybe she was just that unapproachable for humans and animals alike. It wasn’t as if she got hugely along with horses either or at least that was her experience with Ranec so far.
Of course, she would say none of the above to Vidar.
“I- don’t know really, “ Came out as a mumble as she scratched her neck. She completely avoided commenting on his assumption about Agni, and just noted the implicit observation.
A few moments later, she scoffed and hesitantly took the plushie, meticulously so she didn’t accidentally touch Vidar. The grimace slowly returned to her face as she held the plushie far away from her body as if holding it any closer would be the bane of her existence.
What a strange Lady, Vidar thought to himself. Maybe the white December was really going to be the chillest he'd ever experience her, for she seemed so tense in this setting. Maybe just really disliking bigger formal events? Her response sounded so unlike most of the equestrians he was in touch with and wouldn't she be proud of how well bonded she is to her dog? bringing that canine to events like she did and have her behave so well without reacting much to anything but her owner was a feat many wished their dog to be like. He didn't comment on her response about animals and just nodded to acknowledge the response and watched her take the plushy with one eyebrow gradually rising about the way she held it. Certainly feeling uncomfortable “well im glad you showed up for whatever your reasons are to join, if you'd like, we can meet in the tavern later for a drink? “
The plushie felt soft in her hand and yet her grip on it didn’t soften. She couldn’t recall ever having been gifted a plushie before. Her demeanour and looks didn’t exactly give the impression that she liked them, or at least that’s what she assumed. And what would she even do with it now? Currently, she had half a mind to throw it in the trash at the earliest opportunity.
Her eyes snapped to Vidar when he spoke again, slowly contorting into regarding him suspiciously. A drink? If there were drinks around here, she would definitely lay a visit at some point. If anything, to take the edge off and distract her from the crowds of people. But she was far from the type to drink with strangers and never really got drunk in others' company nowadays. Her distrust in people simply wouldn’t allow it.
“No, I don’t think so,” She said firmly and looked thoughtful for a second before she continued with a slight glint in her eye, “I’m more interested in you eating my dust. I assume you are entering endurance too?” As if she hadn’t seen his name on the entrant list already.
The way she held the plush did make him wonder if she'd trash it but he also gave her more credit to be resourceful about things when offered to have it, he gave her the option not to take it afterall. Or did he vastly misread her ways and she truly didn't want anything to do with them?
When her response hit him in all its rejection he did look just a tad less open in his body language and sobered in his playful expression “ ‘aight then “ he pocketed his hands wondering why she felt so uncomfortable to even share a drink, on his mind it wasn't even about the alcohol but more to show her where to get refreshments. Straightening his posture he saw it as borderline insulting that she made the implication to not enter while he openly challenged her “sure am. See you at the starting line” it came off a little more threatening than he meant to.
The slight change in his demeanour didn’t go unnoticed. Her eyebrow raised slightly in confusion for a second before her face fell into her neutral expression again. She wasn’t quite sure why he seemed so set on what…being her a friend? To her, he was more like competition. But it didn’t seem like he quite got that.
Setting aside the fact that Inga was just easily aggravated herself, it would be a lie to say she wasn’t exaggerating a bit, trying to push his buttons. But it would seem she had accidentally pressed ones she wasn’t intentionally aiming for.
She immediately tensed and straightened at his tone. Meanwhile, Agni let another short snarl out.
“Good,” She mused and started doubling back with the plushie in hand and Agni at her heels “See you there” As she passed him, she gave him a nod and revealed some of that excited competitiveness in her eyes. Instead of going towards the stables as originally planned, she went towards the guest apartments.
His eyes scanned her a bit more thoroughly as she tensed and his gaze went to Agni “Don’t let Damon catch you with your dog off the leash in public spaces, others have their canine companions with them too and yours does not seem particularly friendly” he didn’t want her to get in trouble and potentially have her participation spoiled by formalities. He didn’t know what to make of her short dry response and kept watching her as she turned to go. It’s been a while he felt this unwelcome in someone’s presence…and he should not be this surprised. There just was this vibe he thought they could mess with each other a lil WELP one would see how that goes in the future, if she’d approach him at all or if she was on a trip to avoid. Certainly he now visited the tavern for some cooling off.
They had pretty much switched places when his words hit her. She stopped dead in her tracks, turning to regard him again. It was an effort not to grimace or scoff at “your dog” despite the perfectly logical observation there. She always felt it insulting when someone called her companion that. But as with so many things about the pair, explaining what Agni was would make her look…delusional at best.
The implied suggestion for Inga to leash Agni would deeply offend her as well if she allowed herself to acknowledge it. And that would surely further odd things. So, she willed herself a sense to let the words travel through one ear and out the other while neutralizing her expression as much as possible. The way her lips pressed into a thin line and her hand gripped the plushie, unfortunately, betrayed the sentiment. Time to focus on something else.
“Damoonnn…one of the organizers?” She asked, raising a brow before her eyes briefly observed their surroundings again as she tried to remember where she had heard or read the name before, “..one of the hosts?” Admittedly, she hadn’t been paying a lot of attention to names beyond the most crucial ones. At least in her opinion. Which didn’t entirely include this “Damon”, Vidar spoke of, though it clearly rang a bell.
While Vidar would have been on his way, he also stopped to look at her, looking confused as he sized her up a little bit if she was kidding or something. “I took you for someone a little more observant than to be oblivious about the hosts “ his voice didn’t reveal much emotion but certainly no offense, perhaps a slight bit of tease. He was rather curious about the “selection” where her attention went, what were important things to her, what mattered? WELP. regardless he hoped she wouldn't get herself into trouble before the race even started.
Inga definitely wasn’t joking, the deadpan expression on her face revealing as much while Vidar seemed to scan her again. Being scrutinised back was starting to get on her nerves. After all, she was usually the observant, not the observee. And Vidar certainly appeared to rival her attentiveness, based on what she had observed the times they had either been near each other or met.
She scoffed and made a move to cross her arms anew. Though not before faltering for a moment as she again felt the ridiculousness of holding a plushie in public. Never mind having crossed arms while gripping a plushie. And what perhaps annoyed her more was she actually liked its softness. Not that she would ever admit that.
“Observant perhaps,” She mused, her words slightly clipped as she remained hesitant to reveal too much about herself, “But it didn’t seem important to my performance to remember the hosts clearly” Maybe under other circumstances with less high emotions involved, she would have taken more time to get familiar with the organizers and hosts. Maybe.
“Gotto do your homework” Vidar grimaced with a grin, he stopped to hope she would understand he’s not the most serious person and take it easy, regardless he would also not lower his walls that were built upon his playful behavior. “Maybe I’m having a good day and give you a good summary for the event - would you ever find it important” he nodded towards the tavern, gesturing that she’d know where to find him if she changed her mind.
Inga resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the homework comment, thoroughly running out of patience with this guy. And as he semi-invited her again to join him at the tavern, she narrowed her eyes and briefly glanced towards the establishment in question. A few minutes earlier, when she had walked from check-in towards the guest stables, the courtyard with the attached tavern inside definitely hadn’t escaped her notice. And the knowledge of it would certainly come in handy later for her solo drinking habits.
“Right…” She started as her eyes drifted back to him again, ”Well I need to get going” Once again, she made her move to continue towards the guest apartments.
Although replying something cheeky was always on Vidar‘s mind, he just nodded this time to acknowledge her sign to leave, however he was still keeping an eye on her, trying to figure her out, how can someone have this kind of mood at an event like tthiiissss? It was so confusing.
As Vidar didn’t say anything else, she kept walking unceremoniously towards the guest apartments with Agni at her side. The damn plushie was going to have to be put away, at the very least to get it off her hands. She didn’t know exactly what she would do with it yet. It was honestly surprising she hadn’t tossed it in the nearest bit yet. And maybe it was because, she couldn’t remember the last time someone gave her a gift, or maybe it was because she was pretty sure Vidar was still watching her or maybe it was for an entirely different reason. Either way, all she knew at the moment was her lingering irritation and steady strides towards the guest apartments.
Word count: Many XD
Lines, background, Vidar's sketch and flats by @abosz007
Shading, Inga and Agni's sketches and flats by me
Vidar resides with @abosz007
Inga and Agni reside with me
Refference(s) used: Show ressources