Unlikely DuoSnowy-Weather on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/snowy-weather/art/Unlikely-Duo-1117265574Snowy-Weather

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Unlikely Duo



Tyrios and his friend Ginger.

(Originally art for Developmentober day 3.)



Ace of Swords is my original story

Ginger and Tyrios by me

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2000x1781px 1.18 MB
© 2024 - 2025 Snowy-Weather
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Foolish-Hearts's avatar

YAAA! I'm so excited to see art of these two together! I know Ginger is a minor character and Tyrios isn't a main either, but OMG I want to know so much more about their time together. Even just hanging out at while Ginger serves drinks, I'd love to be a fly on the wall and listen to the kinds of conversations they'd have. Such opposites in many ways, but they click so well. I wanna know what kinda stuff they bond with and what they find amusing about one another. I MUST KNOW THINGS. hehehe Such a cute pair~ they even give off "close cousin" vibes, maybe because someone might not assume them to be friends at a glace, but they have that hidden chemistry. BWAH! Ginger's body language and that "meh" expression is my absolute fav. X3