MONSTER MEMEsnowkatt101 on DeviantArt

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:icongajebump: Monster Meme! So like...:iconflipsidered: asked me to make this FOREVERRRR ago. And I KINDA did? then totally let it rot on my harddrive for like...ever. BUT I FINISHED IT NOW!

Zombie: UGH hardest one to draw cuz lol I hate gaping RARAR EAT YOURFACE MOUTHS...least on ppl. As much as i like slow zombies, and i have many purist friends like that, lol I figure Deram would be of the quicker variety.
Ghost: YEAH I'M PRETTY SURE I SUCK AT GHOSTS. But I'm sure she'd be the kind that just kinda scares the shit out of you and nothing more.
Vampire: Elizabeth Bá your successor. Vampires strike me as very vain, and I figure Vampire!Deram would be the queen of vanity as was Elizabeth Bathory. HUZZAH FOR SEXY, PSYCHOTIC BITCHES?
Dinosaur: Man as much as I love T-rexs and the likes, it oddly doesn't suit Deram. Now the swift, smart killing machine called the Utah Raptor, THAT does.
Mummy: Flip says....noone cares much about Mummies which is why I figured I'd dadass mummy!Deram, she'd go ala The Mummy on ppl's asses and raise her kingdom from it's disgusting dirtfilled hole to undead evil, Ancient Egyptian glory. Filled with magic, chariot battles and scarab beetles.(which is kinda funny because Deram's really not that badass)
Robot: I...can't draw robots, really I can't. So i googled gundams and ran across one called SVMS-01O Over Flag form gundam 00, which is like...Deram as a gundam i swear. Is so pretty, sleek and black.
Werewolf: I like wolves...I like werewolves. I like big fluffy Deram werewolves that can clean the flesh off someone's bones.
Alien: My species of Alien called Daorio, meat eaters who are fast and agile. And it's become apparent that everything with Deram deals with FAST AND SPEEDY.
Pokemon: I love Espeon and that strikes me as a Deram-amon too, I know their eyes don't glow red but PFF I HAD TO KEEP UP WITH THE THEME MK!?

Deram and Art © MAHFACE
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1333x2183px 985.23 KB
© 2009 - 2025 snowkatt101
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