It's because I have been!
dA isn't really the place for me right now. I'm having a ton of fun over at tumblr so I'm going to offer some links on where to find me!
> Sketches, concept art, finished pieces and occasionally inspiration, tutorials and important info
Professional/Art Twitter:
> Mostly links to my art blog but occasional tweets to and from other artists. A good way to keep track of my art blog without actually following my art blog.
NSFW Personal Blog:
> Personal blog containing mostly reblogs of stuff I like. Not safe for work, does contain nudity and such. Mainly fandom stuff, fashion, and art.
Personal Twitter:
> 90% of this twitter is links to my personal blog. If you follow one it's probably not worth it to follow the other. Also a lot of BJD related tweets.
Ball Jointed Doll Blog:
> A blog about BJDs. Contains photography done by myself and others as well as posts on modding and on my personal collection
Ball Jointed Doll Flickr:
> All my BJD related photography. Pretty much self-explanatory.