Death in the family, Finals, and Holidays.

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SmoteyMote's avatar
Hey guys.  If I'm slow to respond or don't appear to be online that much this week, here's why.

First of all, finals have already sucked out my soul these past two weeks.  But they're actually due this week which means I'm panicking.  

Secondly, my grandmother just passed away.  Besides funeral and calling hours as well as dealing with our family, she was very close to us.  RIP Grandma.  We love you and we will miss you.

Lastly, holidays are here and especially now with the funeral, my relatives will be staying at my house which means I get to play hostess for the next three weeks.  I'm not really looking forward to this at all as much as I love my family.

This is just so you all know.  If you have any questions or need something from me, please don't hesitate to send me a note.  I'll try and respond as soon as I can.


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thali-n's avatar
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm no good at condolence messages, but I hope that the next three weeks go by as easily as can be hoped, and that your finals give you minimal stress and bother. :hug: