Since 2016, this Super Mario Maker Fan-Arts group has been dedicated to official and non-official sprites from Super Mario Maker games. Mainly, this features 2D pixelated sprites and art in that form, while we may also show 3D and non-pixelated sprites depending on the content. Many sprites are customs of non-existing characters and elements from the original games, and some can also be redesigns of existing sprites or completely original ideas from that form of art: The possibilities are endless!
What's up AssistantTMM, can accept this sprite, is a Sprite recreation of the 3D model, is a accurate version.
Hello! Sorry for the little wait, of course! It also very much has to do with the maker series.
then, can be accepted this sprite?
Does someone see Crimson & Valley Theme. I Wanna do something like Deepwater, Oriental (Japan), and Tank themes. Also i want to Past & Future (Bad and Good) for Classic Overworld, Underworld and Underwater. Does someone have theme ideas?
Could accept this Youtubers in SMB1 style in Misc
Yes, this would be absolutely fine for the gallery.
I made this Costume Mario sprite based on a Animated series