#112 Anerate V2Smiley-Fakemon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/smiley-fakemon/art/112-Anerate-V2-549812517Smiley-Fakemon

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#112 Anerate V2



Old version: #??? Anerate

Name: Anerate (Anemone + Incinerate)
Species: Combustion Pokemon
Type: Water/Fire
Ability: Suction Cups / Water Absorb

Height: 0.64m
Weight: 34.5Kg

consume chemicals, turning them into highly flammable gasses they heat up in their body. They can keep their flames alive for extended periods, even underwater, to scare away potential predators. 

Hp: 65
Att: 30
Def: 40
SpA: 75
SpD: 70
Spd: 25
Total: 305

Anerate evolves into Nemobe at level 33

#112 Anerate V2 by Smiley-Fakemon >>> #113 Nemobe V2 by Smiley-Fakemon
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926x1300px 423.01 KB
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LarvitarAnimates's avatar

This is so cool; u should make another "Version" of this, like just water, or grass, or whatever.