So this is going to make some of my renders age like shit but I have seen the new document on ced145 and yikes. The original document was shaky at best and used evidence of just Ced interacting with Sponge and assumed they were dating based on it, to which both of them denied it, so I went on with my day and ignored it, esp when it eventually got deleted. I havent been on DA recently due to being busy with youtube stuff but I came back to see Ced was quitting DA and after reading the comments, I searched for the new document and read it. Yeah she admitted to everything. And it doesnt seem like she admitted it on her own, but when she had no choice due to the amount of people who cut ties with her. Which isn't exactly a good thing cause it makes your apologize not very genuine. All I can say is that this is really disappointing, because not only did you lie to me about the situation, but you lied to everyone. I just hope you think long and hard about what you've done and handled the