WBP - A WBD Company (2023, print)SmashupMashups on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/smashupmashups/art/WBP-A-WBD-Company-2023-print-1016963125SmashupMashups

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WBP - A WBD Company (2023, print)



Full title: Warner Bros. Pictures - A Warner Bros. Discovery Company (2023, print)

I was inspired by this image of the current on-screen shield with the byline to where I had to make the print versions of the current logo.
This was made with the use of IMG Online (for merging the images together), Free Online Image Editor (for cropping out the necessary spacing to match the on-screen version's), and LunaPic (for altering the color of this). The byline's color was changed to match the shield's ("0022ae" is the Warner Bros. single color logos' color).

It's basically a redo of my previous attempt.
Image size
594x637px 37.77 KB
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Dennistamayo's avatar

I'm still waiting for the horizontal print variant of the current WBP logo in movie posters this month or next month.