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Venus Love Me Chain!
Here is the chain that Minako Aino uses in her Sailor Venus forms throughout the manga and the anime, to perform the attack, "Venus Love Me Chain!"
In the manga, the chain is worn around the waist and first appears in act 8 (act 8 of arc 1)
In the anime, the chain is not a physical item but only appears as an attack and first appears in episode 65 (episode 19 of season 2)
First drawn in a separate artbook and then traced into another artbook so mistakes will not show, etc. Photo taken with phone's camera and in lamp lighting.
This is a pretty cool item and I like its anime form better than the manga form if I'm being honest. Heart shaped stuff is cool. Also this item blends in with Venus' other element of metal, since her planet's name in Japanese contains the word for metal.
So for the drawing itself. I'm sorry that there isn't a whole lot to this drawing. But how I drew this, I simply just drew up one heart chain link and then just traced it over and over. Saved me drawing it over and over if I could just trace one. I also wasn't sure if I should have done this landscape or portrait but with the other drawings I have done for the Inner Senshi, I went with this option. When thinking of other items to draw for the Inner Senshi, Sailor Venus has her chain. There is the legendary sword that was used to kill Queen Beryl that is associated with Venus, and it is featured in the Venus Wink Chain Sword attack, but I will be doing that drawing separately at some point.
For the background I did it based on the background from the Venus Love Me Chain attack.
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