Happy Birthday deviantART!Slinkgirl95 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/slinkgirl95/art/Happy-Birthday-deviantART-476135021Slinkgirl95

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Slinkgirl95's avatar

Happy Birthday deviantART!



:party: (late) Happy birthday dA!!!!!

Okay, so, last week on the 7th of August, it was deviantART'S 14TH BIRTHDAY, and I COMPLETELY forgot! dA, please don't be mad at me that I forgot your birthday and I forgot to come to your party! xDDD So, to make up for it, I did a birthday drawing for deviantART's birthday.

CONCEPT: Sp, like most of my other birthday drawings, I strictly give it a birthday theme, instead of just drawing a character or something. I also focused on characters and emoticons surrounding dA. So, I used the da mascot that everyone calls fella ( Fella ). I included a llama because of the llama badges that we get, and because everyone on the internet is obsessed iwht llamas. xDDD I did the Super Albino Llama because that is what I am currently at the moment. I included the alien known as Jark and that he is our ruler? ( jark (deviantART Co-Founder) ) I used the party emoticon ( :party: )  too. And I also included the cake eomticon, too ( :cake: ) and lastly, a present that I believe is what you can give to someone on your birthday on dA. I didn't have any references, apart from using the eomticons from the community. That's as far as I got with the icon.

DRAWING: The drawing overall was fun to do. I had fun with drawing different characters. Though I did get a bit lazy after a while, as I've been playing Zoo Tycoon again, so I kind of procrastinated with this, so the end results may be a bit rushed.

COLOURING: Same with the drawing. I kind of started rushing some of the colouring, mainly the background. I did do my best at the shading, and I almost didn't use a black pen for this, but I kind of didn't feel confident enough.

So, yeah. I hope anyone here likes this! And please do remember to comment and fav if you wish!
Image size
4000x3000px 3.29 MB
FinePix J40
Shutter Speed
1/239 second
Focal Length
6 mm
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Date Taken
Feb 23, 2014, 3:30:40 AM
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© 2014 - 2025 Slinkgirl95
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LynnLiTung's avatar
I didn't realise dA's birthday even existed as I am an on-off artist. (Shame on me). This drawing speaks a lot!