Which Should I Make First?SlightlyWinged on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/slightlywinged/art/Which-Should-I-Make-First-720668934SlightlyWinged

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Which Should I Make First?



So here is some concept art or plushies I want to work on. Problem is of course, I don't know what to make first! The top row are mythical creatures that already exist, while the bottom row are ones I made up/personalized more.

Sha--Otherwise known as a Typhonic Beast a strange, most likely fictional animal seen in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Comes in black, grey, and rusty red colors. Comes with jewelry, and possibly some embroidered markings like the eye of Horus.

Tatzelwurm--A strange type of dragon with a cat-like front half and snake back. Some reports describe them more like two legged lizards, but I decided to go with the more...cuddly option. Comes in any colors a cat and/or snake can come in, and has a posable tail.

World Turtle--Pretty self explanatory. Still not sure what colors I'm going to make him, though I think I'll use some space fabric for his head and flippers.

Cactus Cat--Small spiky wildcats that live in the desert, preying on birds and other animals that come to drink from cacti. More info here. Comes in green, blue, and yellow, and sometimes have flowers included in their design.

Dragora--Baby earth type dragons, often used as familiars for beginning witches and warlocks. More info here. Available in a variety of colors, including cream, brown, and beet red.

Sugar Skull Gryphon--A domestic species of gryphon with a white, barn owl-ish face. Their face, wings, and tail feathers produce colorful patterns that resemble sugar skulls. More info here. Available in black, grey, and dark blue.
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MoonclashComic's avatar

Old post, I know, but I certainly do like a Tatzelwurm.