12 Kingdoms: Flames of Nightsleepless-katith on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sleepless-katith/art/12-Kingdoms-Flames-of-Night-293401717sleepless-katith

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sleepless-katith's avatar

12 Kingdoms: Flames of Night



One of the three fan art pics of The 12 Kingdoms, that I started a long time ago(a couple years at least) and never had a chance to complete. Decided to finish it in the new style that I've been using lately. Messy :XD:

Another fan art from a scene from the anime 12 Kingdoms. Kantai(aka Seishin) with his massive weapon, which is a Jumonji Yari(please don't hesitate to tell if I got that wrong)
Anyway I think he looks too static, no motion :(
Also i've got to practice fire, because honestly my flames look like the houses have sprouted orange fur >.>

Tools: PaintShop Pro 9 & Corel Painter 12. Wacom Bamboo Fun.

Kantai. 12 Kingdoms © Fuyumi Ono
Image size
2044x1449px 1.87 MB
© 2012 - 2025 sleepless-katith
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NellWilliams's avatar
Great job. I really like this "messy" style of yours =) its very impressionistic and I love how it breaks the images down to the play of light.