In TherapySlasher12 on DeviantArt

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In Therapy



The result of years of bullying in my life and Disney abusive treatment towards me has drove me to the point of needing therapy! Two therapist to be exact.

F everyone who did this to me growing up and FU DISNEY!!!!!

KJBat© KimJ

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© 2024 - 2025 Slasher12
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2littledog's avatar

Geez! I always had beef and criticisms with the business side of Disney but this makes me not like them even more. I think you did the right thing. Nobody should go through this in any business. I always heard Disney treats their employees like dirt in most of their departments and this just proves my case. Go take some time for yourself and going to therapy and leaving that train wreck of a company is the right thing to do. They care more about money than people and that doesn't fly with me. I haven't meet but I'm proud of you for this