MaliciousquidSkywalker7824 on DeviantArt

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Species Name: Maliciousquid

Scientific Name: Malitiosus cerebrum

Assumed Height: 11.8 ft

Passive State: Aggressive

Conservation Status: Near Threatened


Maliciousquid are masters of manipulation and sinister plotting; with pristine master plans and by waving their tentacles and flashing the lights on their mantles hypnotically, they can manipulate those who see them into doing their bidding. In the wild, Maliciousquid hypnotize prey into drawing close before wrapping victims in their tentacles and excreting digestive fluids onto them. Their two primary fins are surprisingly sharp and can easily cut unprotected flesh and even raw iron. In civilized society, their powers pose far more evil applications; there have been confirmed cases of Maliciousquid controlling people serving as judges, police officers, and high-ranking officials in criminal groups—including some from the alleged dark web. A number of conspiracists even hypothesize that Maliciousquid control a number of world leaders as well. Some even go as far as to claim that Maliciousquid are behind every current celebrity in the world which is a very hard stretch. All travelers are unwelcome guests in Maliciousquid territory, as they despise having to deal with strangers. These creatures form large societal groups deep within the dark seas, trenches and abysses where people seldom venture which is ill-advised. Despite their antipathy for humans, daring travelers will strike out in search of their colonies in order to harvest their valuable flaps. Discarded periodically, they are coveted as a delicacy in many part of the world, and can be sold for a hefty price. Once a Maliciousquid society realizes they have been found, however, they will make sure their discoverers do not escape, lest they reveal their location to others. The danger behind Maliciousquid foraging devious and cunning plans only increases the value of their flaps on the market. Though Maliciousquid usually do not pose a direct threat to humans; they will use their psychic powers to deter travelers from approaching, but rarely do anything beyond that. They will pose a far larger danger through the humans that they control; if an acquaintance begins to act peculiarly and is spotted alongside a Maliciousquid , there is a good chance that the squid is manipulating his or her actions. Knocking out the Maliciousquid or moving it far away will break its control.

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© 2024 - 2025 Skywalker7824
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