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After Zig died, Skye got into the habit of feeling/listening to his Pokémon's heartbeat and breathing as he was afraid that he'd wake up one day with one less heart in his family.
He got better over the years, but he still has times when he'll watch his Pokémon breathing during the middle of the night. He felt rather self-conscious about it especially after he figured out that he takes great comfort in doing it, so he didn't talk about it to others outside of Pika, Platinum, and his therapist.
That is, until Ash became his best friend. Skye would watch him breathing when he napped, which made Skye feel like he was being a massive creep.
But sometime after they became a couple, Skye asks Ash if he could listen to his heartbeat while they cuddled. Ash is confused but he's never one to ignore an excuse to cuddle, so he accepts.
Skye explains why he wanted to listen while saying how weird and stupid the whole thing must be. But Ash is like, "uh, no? this is really nice actually? can i listen to yours?" Skye, once again, fell even more in love lol
This was a bit of an undertaking for my first drawing of 2021, cuz oof that background! fuck drawing wood paneling, me and my homies hate drawing wood paneling. I think this has been the 4th time I've drawn that couch ksdjf
Pokémon|Ash Ketchum © Nintendo|Game Freak
Skye|Art © skytroops
Skye|Art © skytroops
Image size
1035x1116px 932.2 KB
© 2021 - 2025 skytroops
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