Reading LessonsSkySabri9 on DeviantArt

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Reading Lessons



HELLO EVERYONE!!! I'm back!! :iconyaytigerplz: pastel sparkle emoji pastel sparkle emoji 

Yeah, I know it's been a while, many things have happened. Classes plus life issues. Let me tell you: it's been a rough time for me.

Nonetheless, I continued drawing and focused on a sketch I drew on October 2018, if I'm not mistaken.
I haven't touched the file since then and I resumed it on... February, I think. It was a sketch-almost lineart but it needed many fixes I didn't noticed when I made it (and I mean, a lot xD)
I'm really happy with the result. I wanted to try new coloring effects for skin and hair that I've always wanted my drawings to have but wasn't sure if I could make them right xDD
Hope you like it! :heart: revamp  

Glowing Sparkle Divider Glowing Sparkle Divider Glowing Sparkle Divider  

So here it is! My first drawing featuring the amazing world of Kid Icarus: Uprising!!! HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY 
For those who don't know: This is one of my MOST favorites games of all time. I love the story, the characters, the gameplay, everything! And I always enjoy playing it again and again blue heart bullet blue heart bullet blue heart bullet 

The drawing is inspired in the moment Pit thought he was going to die xD and shouted he never learned how to read.
Chapter 17: The Aurum Brain
Pit: "Mayday! Mayday! This looks like the end! --- I never learned how to reaaad!"

I thought it would be super sweet if Palutena, once the world is in 'peace' again, started giving reading lessons, not only to Pit but to Dark Pit as well! Since he's Pit's "reflection" he probably doesn't know how to read either.
Just look at them learning together, isn't it cuteee?~ Kao Emoji-02 (Pretty Eyes) [V1] 

(Also, it's weird no one ever taught him how to read xD Maybe he focused so much in his battle skills he didn't pay attention to that, lol. But Palutena, how could you leave him like that? Reading is essential! xDD)

Glowing Sparkle Divider Glowing Sparkle Divider Glowing Sparkle Divider 

Now, there are some fun facts in this piece I'd like to share with you!:

1.- The text they are reading is real text.
The one with the sunny day pic at the bottom of the page is Pit's description taken from Divinipedia
And the one with the night pictures at the bottom of the page is Dark Pit's description also taken from Divinipedia
Clever, isn't it? ¬w¬ xD

2.- Pit drew himself flying and carrying his bow and arrow. Dark Pit drew himself when he was "born", the moment he emerged from the other side of the mirror.
And both are practicing how to write their names!

Glowing Sparkle Divider Glowing Sparkle Divider Glowing Sparkle Divider 

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Pit, Dark Pit and Goddess Palutena © Project Sora, Sora Ltd., Nintendo.
Art ©

→ Don't steal/trace/recolor my art ←
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1600x1189px 1.54 MB
© 2019 - 2025 SkySabri9
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TheStarlightPrincess's avatar

Very nice idea, and respect the effort you put into the piece! :heart: Awesome! :la: