Like ThunderballSkyflower51 on DeviantArt

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Like Thunderball



Her days of asking are all gone
Her fight goes on and on and on
But she thinks that the fight is worth it all
So she strikes like thunderball!

John Barry/Tom Jones, Thunderball (…)
(OK, so it's 'he' really, but... artistic license.)

A while back, I was playing SWTOR with my lightning-spec'd Sith Inquisitor, when my brother came into the room and starting watching a James Bond film. Specifically, 'Thunderball.' When the title song came on, I realised it was the perfect theme tune for said Inquisitor, and my pesky creative urges which refuse to shut up pretty much forced me to draw this. Never mind that I have essays to write. :XD:
So, meet Saovani Vamor! She'd be a good person if she hadn't been raised as a Sith, and she's not by any means evil, but she is devoted to the Empire, utterly unstoppable when she's got a job to do, has something of a sense of entitlement... and enjoys making liberal use of Force Lightning.

This is only the second time I've drawn a background. First time I've ever drawn a tree with leaves, or a building. I definitely learned a lot. I intend to eventually (eventually being the key word here) draw one of these for all my SWTOR OCs, maybe move on to my Skyrim OCs afterwards. Saovani's brother will be the next character I draw - and for him, I'm going to attempt a cityscape!

Others in my theme tune series: Bring On The Rain

Saovani Vamor and art © Skyflower51
SWTOR  © Bioware

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2309x1649px 2.15 MB
© 2015 - 2025 Skyflower51
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AlastorMartius's avatar
Is that supposed to be a lightning spark coming out from her hands? They looked like twigs unfortunately. And oh god, that rounded female face :(

Is SWTOR really worth to play? My friend suggested me about it a while back, but I'm not so sure.