Delia, Theresa and ElizabethSkyblue2005 on DeviantArt

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Delia, Theresa and Elizabeth



Following the debut of the female counterpart of my main OC, as well as the NSFW commission of him and his two friends in the same theme by Barrin84, I've decided to draw one myself.

Introducing Delia Dagdag, Theresa Soro and Elizabeth Spenser, these are the female versions of Diego, Timothy and Errol James, respectively.

How and when they came into existence are unknown, but it is certain that the trio would unknowingly mold themselves into someone like Diego, Timothy and EJ, the trio of muscular canines with different interests but same mentality. They wouldn't even hear of them until one of them caught an eye on such canine hunk. It is also worth mentioning that neither parties are related to each other.

Personality wise, they're expected to act like their original male counterparts but with notable differences, such as their tomboyish behavior, short bottom wear, seductive approach, and more of their agility and acrobatics. However, should they come across their male counterparts, they might either boast themselves to the latter party or challenge them to whatever the former has in mind, but deep down, they're really looking into them as their model of inspiration.

Left to right:

  1. Delia Dagdag aspires to be an effective athlete like Diego, though through his favorites, skateboarding and basketball. She has yet to learn how to properly use boomerangs, but to be fair, Diego is quite an amateur in that. Also, by following his behavior, she tries her best to showboat to him as much as possible.

  2. Theresa Soro is the friendliest of the three and is most open to her male counterpart Timothy. Since then, she has handcrafted the Kampilan sword and the pair of aluminum sticks to be even with him, but these identical weapons (unlike Timothy's) lack electrical powers that can be used to her advantage.

  3. Elizabeth Spenser is more carefree than Errol James, but is more of a klutz when it comes to vehicular repairs. While EJ often carries around with a combination spanner, Elizabeth clings onto a monkey wrench, mostly for self-defense. However, her silence is so usual that she sometimes comes off as a jumpscare when reaching out to someone.

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They caught a peeping Tom in the ladies lockeroom and are about to punish him