[CLOSED TY!] YOKAIGEN Myoubu Shadow and Haloskfuu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/skfuu/art/CLOSED-TY-YOKAIGEN-Myoubu-Shadow-and-Halo-854749864skfuu

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[CLOSED TY!] YOKAIGEN Myoubu Shadow and Halo


Badge Awards


Ciao Mina-san!
another series of our YOKAIGEN,
our kinda like personal clothing brand XD, again this is NOT a species. 
Here's the double shadow and halo baby kaomoji set 2 18/67 ,
we really love how they turned! and it's been like century for us to make a double auction,
but today we want to make it just into a mini auction >///////<

Hope you will like them ^^/

Anyway, we will become busy again with ceremony very soon.
and the ceremony will be the BIG one 
so we might be a little bit slow again... sowwy kaomoji set 2 14/67 


-Y O K A I    G E N E R A T I O N-

. . . . . . . ✦✦✦  SHADOW AND HALO ✦✦✦ . . . . .  . .

. .✦  PROLOGUE ✦. .

Japanese Character/Kanji - Black Japanese Character/Kanji - Mind 
Since the ancient time of a certain era, the war between two realm-- human and demon has been broke.
The demon which has an overwhelming power spread the terror to the land. The fire of anguish burned everything to dust.
At that time, the human life in the shadow of fear and despair. Therefore, they won't let the darkness to rule the world.
A great Onmyouji gathered the people who's had spiritual power and build an exorcist community.
They fought the demons to keep the human to survive. 

One day of the everlasting war, the gate that separating the world between the human realm
and the underworld was crack opened, letting more demon two swarm around the world.
The Onmyoujis didn't have much power to exorcised them and to suppress the loss of their side,
they didn't have another choice than use their last power to sealing the demon inside 'something' that
made it attached to the human realm.

Until now, there's saying that the demon still lurking, somewhere-- in a place that our eyes can't reach.
Hide inside the shadows, peeking on the dark side of the human heart.
They are waiting for the time, to rise once again.
So, be careful, who know that they are hiding inside something that you have.

. .✦  CHAPTER III - IV ✦. .


L A B E L S // M y ō b u "

S E A L E D   I N // Dark and Light wooden swords

C A T E G O R Y // Not Harming

Inspired from Myōbu-
a celestial fox spirits with white fur and full, fluffy tails reminiscent of ripe grain.They are holy creatures, and bring happiness and blessings to those around them. 
Foxes were considered holy animals since long before recorded history began in Japan. The farmers of ancient Japan revered foxes, which preyed on the mice and rats which destroy crops. Foxes have long been associated with Inari, the god of the harvest. Inari is said to use foxes as servants and messengers, and the majority of the foxes in his employ are the holy, white-furred kind known as myōbu.


✦ SB FOR EACH : $80

✦ Min Increase : $5

✦ AB : None

+Bidding reach $200 come with a Sketch Box extra

++Bidding reach $300 come will add a cell shaded landscape bust by skfuu >//v//<
let us dream,, 
example like this:  Ashuri GD- Video Game Dominator extra bust by skfuu

+++EXTRA: and a warm hug from skf //shot


Circle-cropped (32) by skfuu  Circle-cropped (28) by skfuu 

" Because there's light, the shadows can be exist "

   BID HERE FOR SHADOW : www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…
Current Bid :now belongs to toyhou.se/MostlyGhostly


Circle-cropped (31) by skfuu  Circle-cropped (30) by skfuu
" The light is the source of hope, therefore the shadow always tailing it"

   BID HERE FOR HALO :  www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…
Current Bid : $380 by :iconccshu:

Bubble - Exclamation Mark - F2U!   R U L E S    Bubble - Exclamation Mark - F2U! 
Paypal/USD only
Bid will close 3 days after the last bid

We will not accept member/costumer less than 5 month on Deviantart
payment plan is oki! but it should be discussed beforehand ;v;

✦Art and Design by  skfuu
do not trace/edit/repost/or copy it!
thank you~~!
Image size
1500x846px 685.4 KB
© 2020 - 2025 skfuu
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ShiraValkyrie's avatar

Omigooosshh they both look cute but cool at the same time!!! /////0////  especially the black haired one ❤️❤️ he's like this cute little badass that you want to pinch and  ;;////;; ❤️❤️ They look awesome my dear lovelies!!! You did so great ❤️❤️