Yumiko (The Ninja) DTIYSSketchman147 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sketchman147/art/Yumiko-The-Ninja-DTIYS-997580167Sketchman147

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Yumiko (The Ninja) DTIYS



Part of a #drawthisinyourstyle challenge I'm hosting, here's one of five art pieces featuring The Pajama Party in redrawn artwork that I made back in 2019. It's smaller than the original one I made but I wanted to do some updating on old art so this is a start.

For a long time, I always thought of Yumiko as a girl who seemed to be a peace with herself. She's usually chill in some of the art I make but there are times when she's shown expressing more energy with exciting looks on her face and poses. Yumiko is one of the few characters that I would deem autistic which makes her seem odd but is quite a surprise once you get to know her more. Being a girl who doesn't hang out with a lot of kids her age, being with the other dreamers in the dreamscape did scare her a bit but soon warmed up to them and finds the 4 other girls to be the best kind of friends she could have. Yumiko is a dreamer who gets fierce if you press her buttons but shows more kindness and gentleness out of every member of The Pajama Party. She sees magic that the others may not see which is a part of her that makes her sweet and gentle like snow falling from the sky.

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