ScarletSketchman147 on DeviantArt

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Sketchman147's avatar




For :iconcalur: her birthday present. :D

I decided to draw her magician character from this piece which I loved at first sight; "Magician" by Calur
It seemed different for me to do something that would be kind of practicing my villainy. I gave her the name "Scarlet" because of how I thought it could suit her for being a villain dressed in red and does juggling & magic tricks. I wanted the drawing to reflect the original image and add the elements of what Calur was known for in her art from flowers, diamonds and fantasy. 

Here's a song I thought would be fitting for this along with her character; "Face to Face" by Siouxsie and The Banshees

Happy Birthday Calur! Hope it's well! :D

Drawing Material: Colored Pencils, Art Paper

"2015" - Character (Calur) Artwork and Design (Jarod Marchand/Sketchmen Studio) All Rights Reserved.
Image size
1626x2142px 3.09 MB
HP Scanjet G3010
Date Taken
Jul 14, 2015, 3:44:33 PM
© 2015 - 2025 Sketchman147
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DivisionHappy's avatar
wow, this is really cool!:love: I adore all the details as I've said before with your art! the dark blood red roses look really cool mixed with rainbow crystals, and how detailed the cards are even though there are so many! I had to look to see if I could tell what every card was, and aside from the few at the top that are to sidewas to be able to see, I can tell what each one is!:clap: I love the border, and the details on the character look awesome!:love:

Amazing job, and I think the song you picked really works too! I really enjoyed being able to spend so much time looking at this, because there is so much to look at~:heart: