Flynni (Floss Fangs)Sketchman147 on DeviantArt

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Flynni (Floss Fangs)





Everyone knows that vampires have sharp fangs for which to bite people and animals with. They have to worry about them getting cavities or break if they bite on something that's too hard for them to handle. Flynni has never been the kind of witch who would worry about her own teeth. She skips out on brushing them, flossing them, and using mouthwash to get rid of all the germs and bad stuff in her mouth. Becoming a sugar vampire has reminded her that keeping her teeth and mouth healthy is important if she wants to keep sucking blood sugar and eat lots of sugary treats at the same time. After every meal, Flynni would sit down on a spot and have her monstrous shoes bring her a plate full of cleaning supplies and a mirror so that she can clean her teeth and gums with a mirror to help her see the process and not make a mistake unless she notices any. All of this brushing, flossing, and mouth washing has been noticeable by those at The Witch Academy of Misfits including Nelly who saw her teeth looking better and wondered how Flynni has been keeping up with all of her teeth looking better and barely any signs of her eating lots of candy and other sweets in the last several days. The fact that she has been pulling a brighter smile has dawned on the teachers and headmistresses of the school which surprised them greatly. Even Flynni doesn't have a clue since her monstrous ego is good at hiding herself without a shadow or a reflection to reveal the monster inside.


Lots of monsters have sharp teeth. It's how they can show fear to those who are afraid of them and will devour them any chance they get. Vampires are among the few who have a set of sharp teeth that they use to bite the necks of people & animals and drink their blood. How they are able to hide their fangs is a trick that many have wondered which which might be a technique that only they know how to do without explaining it. For sugar vampires, they can easily hide them. Keeping them healthy on the other hand takes a lot of work. Most sugar vampires didn't care to do anything about their teeth in the past but now they do because they cry in the worst way when a tooth is broken or they feel pain in their teeth and gums. Their teeth can sometimes get worse if not taken care of in a proper manner which makes sense knowing the kind of substances they eat every night.

(2024) - Character (SailorMeep) Artwork (Sketchman147) All rights reserved

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