Current Residence: Frozen Hell
deviantWEAR sizing preference: small
Print preference: large
Favourite genre of music: downloaded XD
Favourite photographer: tangledweb
Favourite style of art: others, usually.
Operating System: Mac
MP3 player of choice: I'm not either!
Shell of choice: turtle
Wallpaper of choice: NONE!
Skin of choice: Yours
Favourite cartoon character: Calvin & Hobbs
Lust discovered your gallery a few days ago. Have been slowly scrolling through it. Looks like it has been a few years since you last posted, so not sure if you are still managing this account or not. Nevertheless, I enjoy your art work. However, what I enjoy even more is your sense of humor layered onto your art. Your humor makes a lot of images even more memorable. I may forever link America's "Sin City" to the Amish now. Thanks for that image in my head! 😶😀