Sketchalicious's avatar


Years Ago
172 Members153 Watchers

Comments 31

anonymous's avatar
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roxya1's avatar
Warning to those interested: submissions expired. :( (Sad) 
kapiteinminos's avatar
thanks for letting me join this group :)
KirscheAnder's avatar
Hello, would you like to affiliate with :iconautodesksketchbook:?
KippoTec's avatar the group still active?
I've had a couple deviations pending for a few days now, but no response yet.
Mudora's avatar
Yes the group is still active. Sometimes things pile up, however. I'm also a mod in another group and that one heavily overshadows this one sometimes.
KippoTec's avatar
Oh, well, I'm just glad someone is still alive that works on this. It's okay if you're busy, as long as you don't totally forget this fine little group.