Experiment 184 - NPHSketch-Lampoon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sketch-lampoon/art/Experiment-184-NPH-694584166Sketch-Lampoon

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Experiment 184 - NPH



Experiment Number : 184

Pod Colour : Unknown

Name : NPH

Gender : Female

Primary Function : Designed to disrupt social gatherings.

Special Abilities :

. Experiment 184 is attracted to large groups of people that are having fun and does everything in her power to ruin their fun.
. Experiment 184 can cause objects to blowup by spraying them with a chemical from her trunk and turning them into unstable explosives.
. A unintentional side effect of the explosions is that the objects explode into brightly coloured and glittery confetti while still causing wide spread panic and damage.
. Experiment 184 will most commonly turn objects such as decorations into explosives and also any food that is being served.
. When experiment 184 was caught and turned to good Jumba reprogrammed her so that her explosions were significantly weaker and wouldn't cause any harm or damage.

One True Place : As a mascot for a popular YouTube channel with Experiment 180.

Fan Made Design.
Image size
1472x2212px 85.48 KB
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