My biggest interest is Movies and Anime.
I like the idea of Drama-centered content, with combination of action, horror ore science fiction.
Its quite fun to drawn. I have done Amateur-comicbooks since i was 9. Started officially in 1993. Ironicly i was never into Comicbooks before 2008. I thought it was the best medium for telling my stories. Since i realy cant read Books, and have all information in order in my brain. My passion for Japanese Animation started 1997. Thanks to a friend who was obsessed with it at the time. The only good thing about School as i can remember. I will always thank him for presented it for me, in the rest of my life.
Current Residence: Sweden, Lidköping, Västra Götalands län
Favourite genre of music: Pop
Favourite style of art: Japanese Animation
MP3 player of choice: Windows Media Player
Wallpaper of choice: Changing Automaticly
Favourite cartoon character: Leona Osaki
Personal Quote: Salvation is for few.
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To watch full episodes check out my channel clownbox8 on YouTube then select playlist then select the walking dead evolution
THANK you and have a great day 🙏 😉
Signed,........ Landry Reavis
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