SkekTember Skeksis 3: SadnessSkekLa on DeviantArt

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SkekTember Skeksis 3: Sadness


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SkekTember, prompt 3: Sadness.👇(Story below!)

~"What's wrong, Master?"

Nari furrowed her brow. That was the third time she asked, yet the Treasurer remained silent, almost absent, his pale eyes staring at some undefined spot beyond the table.

~"Master..." she insisted, softly, ~"Is it your head again?..."

The Skeksis Lord, usually imposing with his tall bearing and his bejeweled robes, produced a miserable hiss and looked pointedly aside, unwilling to acknowledge his suffering.

~"It is, then. Please, let me help. Is there anything I can do for you? Perhaps the Lord Scientist might have some kind of tea or brew that might-"

SkekShod's hissing grew louder at this, and two urgent words erupted from his beak; ~"Not...him!"

~"Why not, Master? He is the one who might have something that can ease your pain. I have seen the scar once, when the podlings were tying your headkerchief on place...I know it hurts. It has to. Please, let me help."

The Treasurer huffed, his eyes looking awkwardly back at the Gelfling who sat beside him. He knew that she could somehow guess how sad and miserable he felt some days, when the old injury stung and ached and he couldn't find his words so to put a full sentence together.

~"Alright", he muttered, stuttering ~"Don't...don't tell him..."

Nari nodded in agreement.

~"I will tell him that the tea is for me, Master. Please, just wait. I will be back in a moment!"

SkekShod watched her rush away, and pressed his hand even harder against his temple.


This art challenge is not official or sponsored by the JHC. SkekTember is just a small, fun thing created by a fan, for fans.

Artwork may be shared on Instagram Stories but not be used or redistributed elsewhere without written consent.

Artwork © @skekla_art

SkekTember challenge created by skekla_art

All publically recognizeable canon The Dark Crystal characters, designs, settings and situations TM & © Jim Henson / Brian Froud/Universal studios/ The Jim Henson Company

(No commercial use or copyright infringement are intended)

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© 2024 - 2025 SkekLa
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queenmoreta's avatar

Aww Skekshod! What a lovely expression you got out of him, very soft and vulnerable. His gelfling assistant sounds so lovely X3