Mizuki WIP2Skarlit-Edje on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/skarlit-edje/art/Mizuki-WIP2-762158689Skarlit-Edje

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Mizuki WIP2



My OC Mizuki. She was raised in a tiny remote village full of ghost hauntings, demon attacks, and elderly martial arts masters--and is the last of her clan. Instead of carrying on the traditions of her people, Mizuki ran away to the big city to become a runway model. But even in the city she can't get away from monsters and mayhem, and a series of attacks pull her kicking and screaming into the role of a "hero."

Age: 17

Likes: Working out, Europe, travel, cute outfits, scrapbooking, magazines, competition, boys

Hates: Animals, nature, timid girls who can't stand up for themselves

Abilities: A "spirit skin" that can act as an impenetrable shield and even allow her to physically interact with ghosts.

Weaknesses: Slow, her spirit energy cannot extend far beyond her body (so no long-range attacks)
Image size
900x1210px 599.2 KB
© 2018 - 2025 Skarlit-Edje
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