Anddddddd FINALLY I HAVE FINISHED INKTOBER 2019 although it took me more than a year lol.
Anyway, I'm proud of myself, for not giving up this project.
Deep inside me, I wanted to actually finish one of my projects, to prove to myself and my laziness that I can do something.
Honestly I'm feeling much peaceful, and a bit more confident in myself, plus not being so hateful of myself for my own personality.
Though it took A YEAR to finish A MONTH-ish project, I'm proud anyway.
A BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG thank to my girlfriend, who's been with me a year, helping me pushing my lazy self to do this Inktober, along with my doubt about my ability, thus helping me to be happier, more comfortable with myself.
There was time that I've some what angry, avoiding this Inktober, blaming myself, etc.. but she's still forgave me for that.
Thank you myself too for all the progression both in drawing, and personality I've been through during this project.
And lastly, thank you to those who've watched and given comments to my drawings, it helps a lot to know there's somebody watching your drawing
Much appreciated, myself, my girlfriend, everyone, everything.
Please do comment on any drawing that you like or dislike, your advice and comments would be a great help for me to develop my style.
I'm kinda a shy guy to at first but I do enjoy having conversation with others.
I may not reply your comment, not that I'm ignore it, I will read all of them, it's just I'm too shy to answer..
Uhh I also not often go to your your page and thank you for the fav, same reason, I just don't have enough courage to do that. Every fav and watch means there's a person enjoy watching my drawings, I appreciate it alot, thank you so much.
I'm a shy person when it comes to communicate with stranger, so pls forgive me if I didn't reply you or thank you for having watched and fave my art.
I'm really grateful and happy tbh, it's just that I'm shy.