TH: Nishibuchi Suzuyasirblckbrd on DeviantArt

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TH: Nishibuchi Suzuya




:star:Application Form:star:

N a m e :: Nishibuchi Suzuya
N i c k n a m e :: Suzu-chan / Chuchu (by his little sis)
G e n d e r :: Male
A g e :: 18
G r a d e :: 12th grade
D o r m i t o r y :: Hakuryo Senior
C l u b :: Archery

L i k e s ::
Gardening | Flowers | Literature
Nature | All kinds of food | Classical music
Drawing | Braids | Fruits
Hugging | Napping under sakura trees | Making flower crowns
The sound of streams | Morning birds | Enjoying time with friends

D i s l i k e s ::
Certain insects | Overly clingy people | Not finishing something
People who scream a lot | People crying | Revealing clothes

B i o g r a p h y ::

Suzuya grew up in a farming family. His father and mother both run one of the largest flower farms in Kanagawa Prefecture, their family has been running this farm since his great great grandfather's time. Because of how busy both his parents are Suzuya took the role of taking care of Hanaka, his younger sister (9). He raised her like any child would and that had gave him the personality he has now. He used to be very selfish and uncaring until his sister was born--and that was when he changed. Deep inside Suzuya longs to be free from responsibilities and leave to become a great, successful person but in the end--he would always return to his home, to his sister and his mother. He's internally conflicted with his duty and his dreams.

At school is the one place where he doesn't always have to be so responsible but somehow many times the trait he wishes to leave at home, would follow him to school and ended up with him becoming very caring to others and his kouhais or people who are generally small in comparison to him.

A d d i t i o n a l I n f o ::

- He likes to dote on others, sometimes act like a mom or an older brother.
- He has sort of a battle with his own self with his likes and dislikes for insects. Certain bugs such as butterflies, caterpillars, worms he likes. But others such as spiders, centipedes he doesn't.
- Wears some kind of jacket or sweater all the time since he likes to stay warm.
- Is very, very flexible.
- Loves cats.
- Can cook rather well. But chooses only to cook if it is for someone special.
- Likes to put braids in hair a lot, since he does it all the time for his little sister.

Q u o t e :: "I feel for pink tulips."

R e l a t i o n s h i p s ::

V o i c e :: [link] (first 45 seconds)

He has a formspring tooo: [link]

Photocard: [link]

I rp in groups and on MSN and Notes, note me for MSN :]
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Dibidibidis's avatar
aefgrzxcz He's so cute and sweet and pink and all...omg :iconrlytearplz:
I would love to RP with him~